Bloodline Chronicles: A Saga of Sacrifice and Solitude

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Under the relentless desert sun, two men stood in the scorching heat. One of them, draped in a dark robe that shielded him from the penetrating rays, remained shrouded in shadow, impervious to the intense light. The other, clad only in pants, stood exposed and panting, his desperate thirst accentuated by the harsh surroundings, yearning for a sip of water.

"Tell me the truth, Wolfgang. Did you bring me here to locate the Dragon Master or to end my life?" Parth questioned from behind the veil of his black cloth mask, his entire being concealed in a shroud of darkness.

Gasping for breath, Wolfgang responded, "Honestly, I wouldn't mind if either of those things happened." He scanned the desolate surroundings, a vast expanse of desert with no signs of life, except for vultures circling ominously overhead.

In desperation, Parth confessed, "I need blood to carry on. I'm drained of strength now, and I don't think I can survive much longer without it." He collapsed onto the scorching desert floor, feeling the intense heat searing his body. Quickly rising to his feet, he exclaimed, "Ouch... ouch... it's unbearably hot. Wolfgang, are you certain this is the right way?"

"Yes, it has to be. Somewhere in that direction," Wolfgang affirmed, pointing toward the west. "We'll find some people there, and we can rest."

"You mentioned that two hours ago," Parth observed, his eyes tracking the descent of the sun in the pointed direction. "Don't you think we should move during the night?"

"Since when did you become such a coward," Wolfgang scoffed, forging ahead in the indicated direction. "Come on, it won't be that far."

Shaking his head in disbelief, Parth reluctantly followed. As the sun gradually morphed into a deep red hue and sank behind the horizon, the temperature began to cool. Pressing on through the night, they eventually arrived at a village adorned with a few taverns.

In the early hours of the night, the tavern buzzed with people indulging in drinks and food. Parth removed all his head cover and gloves, revealing a face still marked by the harsh sunburn. Silently trailing behind Wolfgang, he took a seat in the darkest corner of the tavern, blending into the shadows.

Wolfgang joined him, and soon a waiter approached their table. Wolfgang ordered a lavish feast that included a whole roasted lamb, mashed potatoes, shrimp, crabs, chicken, salad, and he requested a continuous supply of beer to accompany the copious spread and aid in digestion.

After placing the extravagant order, Wolfgang glanced at Parth with a hint of guilt and asked, "Do you want to order something?"

Parth replied wearily, "Nahh... I can't eat that. I'll vomit blood. I need to drink blood to continue."

"You can have mine if you want?" Wolfgang generously offered, extending his hand.

Parth observed the outstretched hand of his friend, gazing for a moment before responding with a gentle smile, "Nahhh... I think it won't be necessary. I am good to go. I believe my time here is coming to an end. Once I find the Dragon Master, I will leave this earth forever."

Wolfgang withdrew his hand, a mixture of annoyance and surprise on his face as he continued to scrutinize Parth, trying to read his expression. The waiter arrived at their table with a pitcher of beer, placing it before them. Wolfgang poured a glass and then turned to Parth, asking, "Why are you protecting this boy so much? It's not like you haven't seen death in your family. Why is this boy special?"

Parth wore a faint, empathetic smile as he responded, "Because that's what I promised to his mother — to protect him at any cost."

Wolfgang looked at him, shrugged his shoulders, and then the waiter arrived with his lamb. Wolfgang tore a piece of meat with his hands, started chewing, and then turned to Parth, asking, "You never told me about that. Tell me the whole story."

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