The Gift of Peace

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Lucifer held Meera in his arms, both of them naked. Her fingers traced patterns on his chest, but a hint of disappointment lingered on his face. After experiencing orgasmic release with Lucifer, her mind drifted back to the hatred she had been trying to escape. She pressed her naked body against his and whispered, "I don't want to leave you. I want to stay in your arms forever."

"You can stay here forever," Lucifer murmured, his hand gently stroking her bare ass.

She rested her head on Lucifer's chest, her mind consumed by melancholic thoughts, evident in her eyes. Though unseen by Lucifer, they betrayed the unpleasant thoughts clouding her mind.

"You have no idea, Lucifer, how much I needed you," Meera confessed softly.

Lucifer listened to her words, but his attention was elsewhere, consumed by his own grand ideas. He replied with a distracted "hmm" sound, his focus on caressing her ass and savoring the moment with his eyes closed.

"Yes, you don't understand how much I needed you," Meera reiterated, her voice filled with intensity as she continued to gaze at her finger tracing patterns on his chest. "Living with those people was unbearable. You have no idea."

Lucifer's caress paused for a moment as he absorbed her words. Opening his eyes, he shifted his focus to her, his expression softening slightly.

"Don't worry," Lucifer said, his voice gentle. "Once all of this is over, you will sit by my side as the queen of Hell."

A small, gentle smile spread over Meera's face. "That would be nice," she replied. Her expression then turned somber. "I don't want to end up like my mother."

Lucifer's gaze softened further, understanding the weight of her words. He purred softly, a gesture that Meera found comforting, evoking a sense of submission within her.

"You won't," Lucifer assured her. "With me, you'll find strength and power, not suffering and despair."

Meera's voice quivered as she began to recount her past. "My mother loved him deeply, but he was blind to see that," she said, her words heavy with the weight of years of pain. "He was always consumed by alcohol, never acknowledging her existence. He didn't even know I existed."

Taking a moment to compose herself, Meera continued, her voice wavering. "Every night, their rooms echoed with screams, and each day, I'd see the scars on my mother's face. She never spoke of what happened, but her tears told me everything. Her scar was a constant reminder of the pain she endured for me. After my father passed, she had no one but me. She married him for my sake, to provide for my happiness and needs."

As she spoke, a deep sadness lingered in her eyes, reflecting the hardships she had witnessed and endured.

"Because of that man's wealth, my needs were met, but happiness always eluded me," Meera revealed. "He never cared about me and made me feel lonely. My father's friend filled the void left by my father's absence," she chuckled sadly, continuing, "even though he only wanted to fuck me, I didn't care. He was the only person who came for me time to time. I knew what he was doing, but I didn't tell anyone because I knew my mother would have killed him, which I didn't want. I let him do those things to me."

"I felt like I owed him something for being there when no one else was. But deep down, I knew it was wrong. I was just a child, confused and lost," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she recounted her past. "I thought that maybe, if I let him do those things to me, I could fill the void inside me. But it only made me feel more empty," she said, her voice cracking with emotion.

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