The Macabre Dance

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The peculiar morning encounter left Aayaan with a lingering sense of bitterness. It was evident that he harbored a strong dislike for Wolfgang, a sentiment he chose not to vocalize. Once Wolfgang and the others departed, Aayaan found himself alone with Minerva. His skepticism towards her had surfaced after a recent unsettling encounter with Akanksha. Since then, he had been deliberately avoiding her. Wolfgang's warning about not trusting Minerva had struck a chord with Aayaan, prompting him to take the remark seriously.

A heated argument ensued between them regarding her child, during which she disclosed that the baby had passed away shortly after birth. She explained that she chose not to reveal this earlier to spare his feelings. Aayaan, however, couldn't shake the feeling that she was concealing something, realizing that her outward demeanor did not align with the truth beneath the surface.

On that same day, Aayaan received a call from Paris, and Paul informed him that Katrina had returned to her job there. Curious about her well-being, Aayaan inquired, and Paul reported that she seemed unchanged. Despite a growing desire to visit Paris and have a conversation with her, Aayaan ultimately abandoned the idea, realizing the futility of trying to explain the complexities of his situation to her.

Aayaan made the decision to venture downtown and seek solace in a drinking establishment. Descending the hill, he arrived at a lively tavern teeming with cheerful patrons, all of whom immediately recognized the enigmatic man. The moment he stepped inside, an unusual hush fell over the room, a testament to the influence his family wielded in that community. Everyone instinctively lowered their heads as a sign of respect, and a waiter promptly cleared a table for him, acknowledging the unspoken acknowledgment of his presence.

As he settled into his seat, the atmosphere seemed to return to its former lively state. Aayaan casually lit his cigarette, and just then, Bora approached him with a friendly demeanor. "What brings you here today?" Bora inquired, raising his voice to call out, "Two rum!" to the bartender. Turning back to Aayaan, he added, "Did you happen to meet the guy who came looking for you earlier?"

"Yeah, I caught up with him, and he left shortly afterward," Aayaan replied, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"He does have an odd vibe about him. And oh, the guy sure can eat a lot. Personally, I kind of liked him," remarked Bora, sharing his observations with Aayaan.

"This world is brimming with strange characters, you have no idea," Aayaan remarked, taking a puff of his cigarette and downing a gulp of rum.

"Yeah, but you, my friend, take the crown for the strangest. No one knows what you're up to, you always exude this intimidating aura, and your house is in the worst shape. Ever thought about getting it fixed up?" inquired Bora.

"I believe the time for that house has come to an end, and like all things, it should crumble," stated Aayaan contemplatively.

"See, that's what makes you so peculiar to me. If anyone else had a castle like yours, they'd cherish it, but here you are, wanting to cast it all away," remarked Bora, expressing his bewilderment at Aayaan's perspective.

"Believe me, you wouldn't want what I have. All I've got is pain, and that house is nothing but a burden. I would have handed it over to Meera, but the lawyer says it's not possible. So, I just let it be," Aayaan explained, revealing the weight that the house held for him.

"Shut up! You're a prince around here. You've never walked in the shoes of a commoner. Having a tough life in a grand castle, driving luxurious cars, and being surrounded by beautiful women all the time – that's a life worth living, if you ask me. Have you ever been in our shoes, you wouldn't last a day. This tavern is all I've got, and it barely brings in any income. It wasn't always like this, but ever since that car accident, people have become superstitious. I've warned that man over there, but he's still persisting. I have a feeling he'll meet the same fate," Bora exclaimed, expressing the challenges of his own reality.

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