21) Chay Awakes

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"You know who it is?" Kinn asked Vegas. " I saw him a few times when my dad worked with Don?" Vegas said. " Your dad worked with Don?" Kinn asked." Yes. My dad was working on a drug deal with Don. That was the past and is behind us, right?" Vegas said. " Tell me about it later, Vegas. Even if it's the past, I would still like to know," Kinn said. " Fine. right now, can we focus on finding my brother?" Vegas said. "Yes, let's focus on finding my friend," Chay said.

" So you can confirm he is the assistant? " Kinn said, " Yes, and the place that is blurred. If it is what I think it is, I've been there once," said Vegas. " What can you tell us about him," Kim said. " His name is Yichen. He always had his nose in a laptop to tablet. He has about three phones that I know of. If the reasons were having difficulty with our tech, it is because of him." Vegas says, " Can you get there?" Kim asked. "It's been a long time, but I think I remember how I just need a map. If you want someone to cheek before we make our move." Vegas says. "That would be best. Pol, can you get us a map?" Kim says, and Pol nods and heads out.


As they waited for Pol to return, I stepped out and called Ice. It takes a minute, and the phone picks up, but a voicemail answers. I hit the end button and tried again. There was no answer. I tried again and again, and there was still no answer, so I decided to call Benz before I assumed something happened to Ice. He didn't answer either, and I started to worry anyway. What the fuck is going on. I called Benz a few more times, and still no answer. I began to worry.

"KIM!" I yell, and he rushes out with Tay. "What's going on? Are you okay, Love?" Kim comes to me and wraps his arm around me."Ice won't answer his phone. Look," I showed Kim how many times I tried to call Ice, " I even tried calling Benz, and he didn't answer." I said. Kim takes out his phone to call, and no answer. " Kinn, can I see your phone?" Kim yells through the doors and catches what I assume is Kinn's phone. Kim dialed Ice's number, and there was still no answer,

" Let me try." Tay say. He called, and the phone picked up. We all went silent, and I felt hurt and sadness. Tay puts on the speaker, " Hey man, I can't meet you tonight." I hear Ice through the phone, and then he hangs up. Leaving all three of us stunned. "What's going on?" Kinn says, reaching for his phone that Kim hands back. " Ice wouldn't answer our calls when Kim and I called and used your Phone, but when Tay called, he answered right away and said he couldn't meet tonight, then hung up." A tear falls from my eye, and Kim wipes it away. "Maybe there is a reason. My love"


"Hey man, I can't meet you tonight," I said before hanging up, and my mom took away my phone again. " Mamam! You can't take away my phone. I'm 25 years old! I yelled at her. I pay for it, not you or Pa." I yell at my mom. She's been like this since I entered the house. "I don't care if you're 50. I'll take away your phone as much as I want. I am your mother!" I stand up and limp away " You will sit your ass down! right now." She screams, "I am going to Chay!" She slaps me across my face for the 3rd time since I've been here.

The first was when I walked in on my crutch. And the second was when I told her I would be the bodyguard for Chay, which I fell in love with. " You will not be going back to that boy!" I looked over to my sister and brother, who sat down with their heads lowered. " My love, he is an adult now. let him love who he wants." My papa says, trying to soothe his wife again,

"It's bad enough that you have one son that messes around with both girl and boy. Now, this one wants to be with one forever, giving up his opportunity to be on the covers of magazines or TV! a boy who is as useless as the trash in the dumpster with our food scraps. You saw how he was dressed at the club. How did he not feel ashamed of himself in those rags? His family should be ashamed to be his family. I bet they're all as useless as he is. A disgrace of a family for anyone to see," She says. She says things on and on, going on a rampage. There are so many unsettling things I can nearly keep up her words.

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