Hard Work

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Hard work has led to this
A moment of sweet success
Through all the trials and tribulations
We've pushed through with determination

We've toiled and sweat
Through days and nights
Never giving up
Always ready to fight

We've faced many challenges
And stumbled along the way
But with each setback
We've learned and grown each day

Through blood, sweat, and tears
We've reached the top
Our hard work has paid off
And we'll never stop

For we know that success
Is not given, but earned
And with our hard work
We've truly earned our turn

So let us celebrate
This moment of pride
For our hard work has led us
To this glorious ride

And as we look back
On all that we've achieved
We'll remember that hard work
Is the key to succeed

So keep pushing forward
And never give in
For hard work will always lead you
To the ultimate win

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