Life Without Love

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Life without love, oh what a cruel fate
A barren landscape, devoid of any mate
Lonely days, and even lonelier nights
No warmth, no passion, just endless fights

Days pass by, in a blur of gray
No meaning, no purpose, just going through the motions each day
No hand to hold, no shoulder to cry on
Just the emptiness, that's been left to carry on

No laughter, no joy, no one to share
Just the constant reminder, that no one truly cares
The heart, once so full, now feels so hollow
Aching for love, but there's no one to follow

The memories of love, now just a distant dream
A cruel reminder, of what could have been
The pain, so raw, it cuts deep within
Leaving behind only a heartbroken and lonely being

Life without love, a desolate existence
No light, no hope, just a persistent resistance
To open up, and let someone in
For fear of being hurt, once again

Oh, how I long for love, to fill this void
To be embraced, and no longer avoid
The emptiness, that consumes me whole
For life without love, is an endless black hole

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