The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

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Oh, my love, my heart is weary
As I walk this dark and endless path
But then I see a glimmer, so bright and cheery
A light at the end of this tunnel's wrath

It beckons to me, with a gentle glow
And I am drawn, like a moth to a flame
For I know, my darling, it's where I must go
To reach the end of this journey, this game

With each step I take, the light grows stronger
And I feel your love, guiding me through
No longer do I feel the need to ponder
For I know, my love, that our love is true

The darkness fades, as I reach the end
And there you stand, with open arms
My heart, my soul, you forever mend
As I bask in the light of your loving charms

Oh, my love, the light at the end of the tunnel
Is where I find my peace, my joy, my bliss
For with you, my darling, I can conquer any struggle
And in your arms, I find my eternal bliss

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