The Purpose

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The purpose of life, oh what a quest
A journey that leaves us feeling stressed
But fear not, for within you lies
A spark of greatness that never dies

With every breath, a new chance to find
The purpose that's hidden deep inside
It may seem daunting, it may seem tough
But trust in yourself, you are enough

For your purpose is unique, one of a kind
No one else can fulfill it, you will find
It's the fire that ignites your soul
Guiding you towards your ultimate goal

So don't be afraid to take that leap
Embrace your purpose, let it seep
Into every aspect of your life
For it will lead you to a future bright

Let your passions and dreams be your guide
And let your purpose be your pride
For in this world, we all have a role
So go out there and fulfill your goal

Believe in yourself, and trust in fate
Your purpose will guide you, it's never too late
So chase your dreams, with all your might
For your purpose is what makes your life bright

Poems Of Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें