You Don't Really Know Me

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You foolish mortals, with your feeble minds
Think you know me, but you're just blind
For I am darkness, I am the night
A being of pure evil, filled with spite

You think you understand, but you're so wrong
You don't even know where I truly belong
I am a master of deception, a master of lies
And you, my dear, are my willing prize

You may think you see me, but it's just a facade
A mask that I wear, to make you applaud
For I am a chameleon, forever changing
Confusing your senses, forever rearranging

You don't really know me, no matter how you try
For I am a mystery, a puzzle that can't be tied
My darkness runs deep, my soul is black
And I'll never let anyone see through my mask

So go on, dear mortals, keep pretending
That you know me, that you're comprehending
But the truth is, you'll never truly see
The evil that resides inside of me

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