Chapter 56

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Elysian stood by an unfamiliar ocean, watching the waves crash onto the sand and retreat. Over and over again.

Wasn't that her life?

Reaching freedom, then having to leave it behind?

Could she do this for much longer?

She didn't know if she was ready. In a painful moment, she remembered something her father had said: "A blessing of a curse."

It was a perfect description of her life. Maybe a perfect description of life in general.

What would she do now?

Living among humanity was too difficult, especially with Will's memories still hidden. She couldn't move on... not yet.

She didn't want to return to her life as an elf, either. But she could be one. She just didn't have to live with anyone.

Yes, that was the only way. She wouldn't be lonely, because she would have Will. And maybe if the time was right and they got lucky, perhaps she could see him again. And their family could live together. In peace.

But what if they were caught? Then the last few decades would have been for nothing. She couldn't allow that to happen.

She needed to be able to defend her life- defend herself, defend Will.

But if she ever had to, was she strong enough?

Obviously not. She had to find a solution for that- and quickly.

She listened to the waves for a few minutes before remembering something from long ago. Back in a conference with Councillors and dwarves.

The words came to her as clearly as the sounds from reality.

"All of our kin who vanished are aware of a certain place... the place that was recently our home. As you are aware, such a place should be one of our most guarded secrets... but now there is the possibility it may be leaked to other species. What if this information comes into the hands of your rebels?"

The dwarves' refusal to elaborate meant that the secret they had been withholding was of extreme importance.

What had they been hiding?

Another voice in her head spoke. Something you need.

At the very least, she knew that this meant power. Information was power.

And she needed power to be able to protect herself, Will, and their son... right?

It's the only way.

Focused on this single goal, she began the creation of a new plan.

A brief flash later, Elysian was standing on a riverbank, remembering the river back in the forest.

It was a clear night, with the stars all smiling down at her.

You can leave him behind, the voice spoke. You can forget him.

Troubled, Elysian picked up a star and sketched Will's face from the last time she saw him.

He's a human, the voice whispered again. You weren't meant to be together.

In a strange, distorted vision, Elysian saw Will standing next to a woman whose face should have been perceptible but wasn't.

He's forgotten about you- he's moved on.

"No," Elysian spoke aloud, frightened that her thoughts had managed to break her calm. "I refuse to believe that."

She would wait for Will.

Keeper of the Lost Cities: ElysianWhere stories live. Discover now