Chapter 64

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The rain soaked every part of Sophie's body as she stared out at the ocean and the dark storm clouds looming above.

The wind tossed her hair into her face, but she barely had the strength or resolve to brush it out of her sight.

Even though she was nowhere near the cliffs of Havenfield, Sophie felt like the muddy earth beneath her would suddenly tilt and fling her into oblivion.

Because that was what her heart was feeling.

It was a numb feeling, something that wasn't bitter or sweet or anything she could describe.

There were problems.

Small ones.

Like people's expressions when they asked if she was okay.

Like the way they whispered behind her back even though she could hear them.

Like the way everyone seemed to be kinder and make life easier for her even though she didn't deserve it.

Bigger ones.

Like her latest conversation with Fitz, which mostly consisted of her asking if he was okay and him asking the same question back and then messy silence.

Like the way she wasn't getting anything done and yet...

Her friends were busy undoing the damage caused by the Neverseen, organizing summits with the other Intelligent Species to discuss the matter of the trolls and their affiliation with Lady Gisela, and setting up defenses and security measures around Elysian to prevent anyone from getting access to the Hallway of Life and Death.

Like how everyone was waiting for her to decide how to deal with Lord Cassius and Trix.

Like how she didn't know how to fulfill the many promises she made to the universe and herself.

They seemed so out of reach now. She desperately wanted the same hope and determination to drive her again, so she could be the Sophie that defeated the abyss and made it her goal to fix the world.

And the biggest one of all. The one that haunted every second of every moment, either waking or unconscious.


Attending his planting had been brutal because it was the official declaration that he was gone. The entirety of the Lost Cities would know.

Seeing his tree that morning had almost been too much for her.

Everything about it made her picture him standing there in its place, from the messily scattered golden leaves, the beautiful pale blue flowers, and the playful and daring arcs in which the branches were spread.

It was him.

Then she saw Dex's tree and her own and felt the cruel irony of it all. The way fate intended for her to die, but ended up taking Keefe away.

So much had happened during Nightfall, an abundance of good and bad. But it was over now, and Equilibrial had vanished from the sky.

She remembered little after that. Everything her senses discerned just seemed to blend into a disharmonious mosaic.

She didn't want to ask anyone what happened to his body after what had happened several nights ago.

Sophie felt like crying.

But she had no tears left in her- just exhaustion and helplessness.

"Get up," a voice ordered sharply.

Sophie whirled around to see Rayni standing a few feet away from where she was sitting, holding

"Get up," Rayni repeated firmly. "You're forcing Sandor and Flori to get wet as well."

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