Chapter two

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Your POV

I just lay on my bed, staring aimlessly at the ceiling for hours. Just thinking about her. She's plaguing my mind. I miss us but it's her fault. And I'm struggling to decide whether I'd take her back if she asked me or not.

But she treat me like i was a stranger earlier. In her dorm. She treated me like she didn't even recognize me.

"You didn't tell me that you were having a guest."

Like the last year and 2 months meant nothing to her. She was my first of literally everything. And i was for her. I don't know what i did to deserve that.

But it's fine. Just smile and act like nothing happened.

My aimless staring gets rudely interrupted by a knock on my door. I get up and go open it. It's Wednesday. I take a deep breath.

"What do you want? Come to try another dig at me?" I ask.

"Enid told me to apologise." Wednesday says.

"So what, you can't do it off your own back now? You're back to letting Enid dictate what you do and dont do?" I ask.

I scoff.

"I don't wanna hear your stupid apology if it isn't coming from your own back." I say.

I shut the door and lock it. I go lay back down.

"Y/n open the door." Wednesday says.

"Go away, Wednesday." I say.

I used to have loads of nicknames for her. One of her favourites was 'Nes'. Like the nes in WedNESday. She always let me get away with Weds too. And there's more but i don't care anymore.

"Y/n please hear what i have to say." She says.

"I don't wanna hear it. Go away!" I yell, throwing a tennis ball at the the door.

It makes an incredibly large bang, one which probably didn't even make her flinch.

"Okay." She says, softly.

She walks away. Good. I don't need her in my life. I soon go to sleep though. It's late and i have a long day tomorrow.

I wake up to my alarm ringing at 6am. I've been awake at 6am every morning for the past 2 weeks because i keep forgetting to do my out of class work that Miss Thornhill keeps setting us. So i do it every morning.

Me and Wednesday used to help Enid with it. But now it's just me :)

I do the work and then go shower. All i can think about is her.

'Enid told me to come apologise'

Like Enid has to tell her what to do? Like it isn't just common decency to apologise for what she said? I'm not having it. And even if she doesn't need Enid to tell her, I'm not accepting it either way. She can kindly go fuck herself... that was mean... she can kindly go away.

Anyway. I soon finish in the shower and go get dressed for school. I always break the dress code. Literally every day. The skirts are simply not comfortable. So trousers for me. I dont  care though. And i think Principle Weems is okay with it. I explained it to her the first time i wore trousers the reason why i do so i think she's alright with it.

I button up my shirt, do my tie, grab my blazer and bag and then leave. I go down into the main hall and bump into Xavier.

"Y/n. Hey. I was just looking for you." Xavier says.

"Oh. What for?" I ask.

"I just wanted to make sure that you're doing okay. After... everything that happened between you and... yeah." Xavier says.

"Oh. Yeah I'm... i guess I'm alright. Just gotta move on and pretend it hasn't happened. Relationships end. Shit happens." I say.

"Well i want you to know that I'm here for you. So if you ever need to talk about it, you've always got me. If you need a backup Enid." Xavier says.

I chuckle a bit and so does he.

"Thank you. I might have to take you up on that offer soon. I think talking to Enid while she's in the area is causing me more issues." I say.

Wednesday's POV

I'm walking through the main hallway, i see Xavier talking to Y/n. I know he liked her before we started dating. He better not try anything with her.

I'm walking with Enid. She's rambling about some work that she didn't do for Miss Thornhill. I'm not paying any attention. I have my eyes focussed intently on Xavier and Y/n.

Y/n wipes her eyes and Xavier pulls her into a hug.


I look at Enid. She stops walking and so do i.

"I dont wanna sound mean when i say this but you have no rights to be jealous of that." Enid says.

I look back at Y/n and Xavier. He's got his arms wrapped around her just comforting her.

I just nod. We walk past them. Me and Xavier lock eyes and he shakes his head at me. As if he thought i was going to say anything. I most likely was. I just keep walking.

We get to Miss Thornhill's class. Y/n and Xavier soon walk through the door. He has his arm around her shoulder. They get to the table next to me and Enid. Me and Y/n used to sit there. Together..

"Do you wanna sit on the end?" Xavier asks.

"I dont mind really." Y/n says.

Xavier sits in the seat closest to me. Y/n sits down next to him. This is going to be hard.

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