Chapter fourteen

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Your POV

I put my ring and jacket on and just stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom. I look good to be fair. But did she get me them? I mean surely she did.

I mean i messaged her, thanking her, and she said 'what ring and jacket'. So now I'm kind of unsure. But surely it was her. Because of the handwriting.

So unless she's just playing it off that it wasn't her, then it might not have actually been her.

It's been a long day anyway. So i take the jacket off, hang it up and get a shower. I dry off, put on my pyjamas and get into bed. While i lay just staring at the ceiling, my phone buzzes.

I grab it and see a message from an unknown number.

Come to the nightshades

I frown and sit up. I get out of bed ans grab a hoodie. I put my shoes on and go to my door. It's 9pm. Which means Miss Thornhill will still be awake.

There's still another hour until she's done looking around for people.

I grab my key and slip it into my pocket. I look through the door. She's not here. Wait it's 9pm. Meaning she'll be near Wednesday and Enid's dorm. I sneak out, quietly close and lock the door and sneak out of the whole dorm area.

I sneak into the Quad and go find the Edgar Alan Poe statue. When i find it, i look around me, make sure nobody is there, and then snap twice.

The statue moves and opens up the little path. I have still to this day, no clue how that door closes.

I walk down the stairs. When i get to the bottom, i look around. Wait I've just clocked this. An unknown number messages me to go to the fucking Nightshades and i just go?

Am i stupid??

I go up the stairs and snap twice. But the door wont open. Shit. Shit this is bad. I look around for a way out.

For some reason, the first person i think to message is Wednesday.

Hey look i need your help
I'm stuck down the Nightshades and the door wont open
Can you come help?

2 minutes pass and my phone buzzes.

Yeah I'm on my way
Just stay away from the door

I think maybe the reason i came was because i thought that maybe Wednesday text me on an unknown number. But now that i think about it, it's just stupid.

I was 10 minutes and the door opens. Wednesday walks down.

"Hey." She says.

"Hey. Thank you." I say.

We leave.

"What were you doing down there?" She asks.

"I got a message from a number that said to go to the Nightshades." I say.

"Who from?" She asks.

"An unknown number. But the only reason i go is, i guess, because I thought maybe you'd messaged me on an unknown number. But.. i mean i know it sounds stupid." I say.

"I mean yes. It is a bit stupid. An unknown number messages you to go down there and you just go but i suppose you had your reasoning." Weds says.

I nod.

"I-uhm... thank you for the jacket and that ring. I know it was you who bought them." I say.

She looks at me. I look at her. She looks away. I look away. We sneak into Ophelia Hall. We hide behind a wall and watch Miss Thornhill walk past us. She goes to move but i grab her hand and pull her back.

Miss Thornhill walks back past us and up past my dorm.

"Go go. To my dorm." I whisper.

I grab my key and we sneak to my door. I quietly unlock the door and we go in. I quietly close it and then lock it behind us. We haven't done that in a few months.

"Stay here until 10. You can go back undetected then." I say.

"You have her figured out dont you?" She says.

"She walks around like an NPC after 9pm. She has a set path. I swear she's a robot." I say.

Wednesday smiles. She actually smiles. I smile.

"You're smiling." I say.

She stops smiling.

"I-uhm... when did you get that hoodie?" Weds asks.

I smile and shake my head.

"You got me the hoodie for Christmas." I say.

"Oh... yeah i forgot about that." She says.

We sit down. Me on my desk chair, her on my bed.

"Yeah because i got you the laptop cos i got sick of seeing you with the typewriter and you felt guilty for getting me the hoodie cos, in your words, 'it wasn't enough'. Cos i got you the laptop." I say.

"I can't believe you remember that." She says.

"It's not something I'm bound to forget anytime soon." I say.

My phone buzzes. I check it. It's Enid.

Wolf-girl 🐺
Hey is Weds with you?

Yeah we're in my dorm

Wolf-girl 🐺
Okay good.
She might have to stay in your dorm tonight
I'm in Yoko's because there's a crazy amount of wasps in our room
Miss Thornhill's gunna clear them out tomorrow

Okay no problem

I put my phone away.

"Looks like you're staying here tonight." I say.

"Why?" Weds asks.

"Enid said that there's a crazy amount of wasps in your room right now. So she's with Yoko. Miss Thornhill's gunna clear them out tomorrow." I say.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that... i-uhm... i could find somewhere else if you're not comfortable." She says.

"No it's okay. You still have some clothes here that you didn't get back." I say.

"You kept them?" Weds asks.

"Yeah. It's not my stuff. I kinda assumed you'd probably want it back eventually." I say.

"I still have some of your hoodies. If you're wanting them back i can get them tomorrow. When all those wasps are gone." Weds says.

"Oh uhm.. no it's fine." I say.

She gets the pyjamas out that she left here and goes into the bathroom. My bed is pretty big. This is literally the only single room in the whole of Ophelia Hall. So i got a double bed. Which did always make life easier when she stayed over.

She comes out of the bathroom and looks at me.

"Where do you want me to sleep?" She asks.

"You can sleep in the bed. I'm not gunna eat you." I say.

She nods and get in the bed next to me. We lay down and go to sleep.

So who do you think messaged you? Cos i dunno 🤷‍♂️. Its up to you guys to decide.

And what do you think about the wasp story? Is it true? Or just an excuse to get Wednesday next to you in your bed?

Lemme know. Byeeee :)

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