Chapter ten

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Your POV

Xavier kinda disappeared. Just didn't show up, so now I'm off to that room i found a few months ago. That only me and.. her.. know the location of. I walk in and sit down on the floor. I just scroll through Instagram and listen to music. Just to pass some time.

When i leave, i go into the main halls and notice Wednesday talking to... Xavier... so he ditched me to talk to Wednesday?

I wont think on it too much. I walk past them. A little while passes and I'm sat on the main stairs, to the side, just reading a book. While I'm sitting there, Xavier comes and sits next to me.

"I'm not even kidding you, Wednesday Addams talks way more shit than you would think. She's full of it. It's ridiculous." Xavier says.

I nod.

"You okay?" Xavier asks.

"Yeah. Just reading." I say.

"You just seem really pissed off." He says.

"No no not at all. Can i just ask for future situations when we agree to hang out, if you decide you dont wanna come just tell me instead of just not showing?" I ask.

"I thought i did? I sent you like 4 messages explaining it." Xavier says.

"Nothing came through." I say.

He checks his phone.

"Oh shit. Oh my god i am so sorry. I thought i sent the messages. I'm really sorry Y/n." Xavier says.

"It's okay. Dont worry about it." I say.

"Lemme make it up to you." Xavier says.

"Hey honestly, it's okay. Just wanted to mention it to you." I say.


He stands up and holds his hands out. I close my book and lean on my legs.

"C'mon. My apology for being a dumbass and forgetting to send the messages." He says.

I smile and grab his hands. He pulls me up and i grab my book.

"Okay. Where to?" I ask.

He stands to think for a minute.

"Why dont i teach you how i paint?" Xavier suggests.

I smile.

"I would love that. I can't paint so I'd love that." I say.

Wednesday's POV

I'm stood by myself watching Xavier and Y/n. Xavier holds his hands out and Y/n sits for a moment before grabbing them. He pulls her up and the talk for a minute. Then they leave. This is it. This is my window. I go find Enid.

I was talking to Xavier and i managed to convince him to help me win her back. So he's gunna keep Y/n busy for a few hours while i go into Jericho and get some stuff for her.

"So? Did he agree?" Enid asks.

I nod.

"Okay. Lets go then." Enid says.

We go into Jericho. I get some flowers and the pen i bought her a few months ago that she cherished with her entire being. That was my idea. The flowers was on Enid but Y/n's

It was small. A small thing and it's always been her favourite. Something only i know about. So she wont think it's Xavier surely.

We get back to Nevermore and head towards Y/n's dorm.

"She always locks it. How are we gunna get in?" Enid asks.

I pull out the key Y/n gave me and never asked for back.

"You never gave it back? Are you kidding?" Enid asks.

I shrug and unlock the door. We walk in and put the things on her bed. Leaving her pen in front of the flowers and the flowers leaned against the pillows.

"Lets go because they wont be much longer." I say.

Enid nods. We leave and i lock her door. We go to our dorm and sit down.

Your POV

Xavier walks me to my dorm and we talk for a while, just standing outside the door. We eventually split off and i go into my dorm. I close and lock the door. I turn to my bed and..... what?

There's a bouquet of flowers sat on my bed along with... oh my god. It's that pen.... i lost the other one last night and needed a new one....

Oh my god. She bought the pen... i... fuck..

I sit on my bed and grab the flowers. She got my favourite.... fuck this isn't getting any easier at all.

I know what she's doing and the worst part is, it might end up working out for her...

Thoughts? Honestly i would CAVE if someone got me a pen. Especially one that i really liked. That would just do it for me. Marry them and everything lmfao. Anyways. Byeee :)

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