Chapter eighteen

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Wednesday's POV

We sit for hours. Just waiting. One of the doctors walks out. We look at him.

"She's still out. But that's because of the anesthesia. But from what we can tell, the surgery was a success. You were very very lucky to have gotten Y/n back here alive. With all the blood loss it's a wonder we were able to get 5 minutes in. The knife punctured her stomach. So most of the work was centred around closing up the puncture and pushing back anything that came out." The doctor says.

"But she's going to be okay?" I ask.

"It's a little too early to say anything that will be set in stone, but she's stable. Which is always a good start. So long as Y/n remains stable then yes, she'll be fine. You three are welcome to go in and see her. But be very careful about hand placements. Avoid veins as best as you can. The blood loss has caused a significant dip in blood flow, so clear vein movement is key right now. She's hooked up to a few machines so try avoiding banging into those." The doctor says.

We nod and go into the room. I actually feel my heart sink in my chest. Wow. I'm not used to that feeling.

Just... seeing Y/n in that bed and hooked up to all those machines. I want to blame myself for not getting help faster. And i will. Because i should have gotten help faster.

Scratch that. I should have stopped that person from hurting her in the first place. But i didn't.

"Wednesday, it wasn't your fault." Xavier says.

"Maybe if I'd been a minute sooner. Maybe if I'd followed her sooner than i did then she wouldn't be layed in this bed. If I'd gotten help sooner." I say.

"But you got help. Doesn't matter when you did it. You got her help. You stayed by her as long as you could. It's not your fault. And Y/n won't blame you for it. None of us will." Enid says.

"I-I just... if i find the person who did this to her, I'm going to make them regret ever being alive. They will not get away with it." I say.

"I think you just need to sit down for a minute. Take a deep breath before you go doing anything stupid and i know you won't think it's stupid but Y/n wouldn't want you going out on some insane goose chase through Jericho to find this person when you're gunna get yourself hurt." Xavier says.

I nod. He's right. I pull a chair next to her bed and sit down. I hold her hand. I'm just glad she's alive. Xavier and Enid sit. Principle Weems walks in and looks at us. We're all looking at her.

"Is she okay?" She asks.

I look back to Y/n. They talk between themselves. I just sit holding Y/n's hand. They did convince me to go off for 5 minutes to wash the blood from my hands. So now it's just my clothes that have her blood on them.


I look at Weems.

"You need to go to bed." She says.

"No. I'm going to stay here until she wakes up. I don't want her to be on her own when she wakes up." I say.

"You don't know when she's going to wake up." Weems says.

"And she could wake up during the night. Alone. And i don't want that. So I'm staying here until she does." I say.


"No. I'm staying here." I say, cutting her off.

She nods and they all leave.

Your POV

When i wake up, the room I'm in is fairly dark. Lit up in the corners. I feel something on my hand though. I look and see another hand. I look at the person and... Wednesday. I look around. I'm in Nevermore infirmary.

She'll be the reason I'm here. She actually found someone. Most likely Xavier and Enid. But how did they get me back here? How did i not bleed out on the way?

Wednesday is asleep. I sit up in the bed and she immediately wakes up. She looks at me.

"Oh thank god." She says.

She hugs me. Wow... this is nice. I hug back. She pulls back from the hug and sits back down.

"You managed to find somebody." I say.

"Yes. Enid and Xavier. Xavier got Weems. She drove us back here." Wednesday says.

That explains how i got back alive and didn't bleed out.

I nod.

"Thank you." I say.

"For what?" She asks.

"For saving my life. You're the reason I'm here. Alive and breathing. So thank you." I say.

"Weems is the reason-"

"She got me here because you got Xavier and Xavier got her. And you got Xavier cos you followed me into the woods. So thank you for saving my life." I say.

She smiles a little and nods. Only a little smile but a smile all the same.

Okay no the awkward part. The kiss.

"I uhm.. we kissed while we were out there." I say.

"Yes but uhm.. it doesn't have to be spoken about if you're not comfortable too." Wednesday say.

"No no i uhm... i just wanted to explain myself." I say.

She nods.

"I kissed you because i thought, in that moment, it was going to be my last chance to do it ever again. I was scared. Bleeding out. And i thought i was never gunna get to do it ever again. I mean Wednesday, i still like you. I'm never gunna stop liking you. Not now, not ever. I just wanted to explain myself for kissing you. I know it was probably wrong of me to do it. But in that situation, i needed something to help calm me down. And normally kissing you does that. So that's why i did it." I say.

"You're treating this as if i didn't kiss you back." Wednesday says.

"I know but I'm just assuming you kissed back because you didn't really know what else to do at that point so.." I say.

"I kissed back because i wanted to kiss you. I was scared i was going to lose you for good. We hadn't spoken for 3 months and it was all my fault. Trying to buy you back, when i knew you can't be bought, was wrong. And i was so scared that i was going to lose you forever. I kissed back because i wanted too." Wednesday says.

"I may have ever so slightly overreacted to that whole situation." I say.

"You didn't." Wednesday says.

"Can we maybe talk about this in the morning? I'm so tired. All i want to do is sleep." I say.

"Yes of course. I'll leave you to sleep." She says.

"Could you stay? I hate it in here on my own at night." I say.

She nods and sit back on the chair.

"Do i have to spell out what i want for you? Get in the damn bed Wednesday." I say.

"Oh right. Sorry." She says.

She gets in the bed. We cuddle in this bed and fall asleep. Wow i have missed this.

Oooo we're making progress. Things are looking promising for you and Wednesday. You kissed. You're talking. You're cuddling in a tiny cramped hospital bed. Things are looking promising.

Byeee :)

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