Chapter four

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Your POV

I get to Crackstone's Crypt and sit on the grass. While I'm waiting, Enid messages me.

Wolf-girl 🐺
Hey Y/n. Just in case you were wondering, Weds is coming. She was just changing.

Okay. Thank you

I put my phone in my pocket and lay on the grass. I have my music playing. Just playing my favourite song through my earphones.

While I'm waiting for Wednesday to show up, the song comes on. Our song. The song that we always listened to when we went to... shit. Crackstone's Crypt. To do what I'm doing right now.

Why is she making such a crazy impact on me right now? I hate it.

And she finally shows up. And... wow... she looks great... i can feel the hearteyes right now.

I pause my music and stand up.

"You took your time." I say.

"I'm sorry. I had to change." She says.

I nod.

"So, you wanted to talk. Now you can talk. Say what you wanna say." I say.

She seems to almost freeze up. I nod.

"Yeah. I had a feeling. Wasting my time." I say.

I go to my boat. I get on my boat and go back to the school. When i get there, i message Xavier.

Can you come to the Quad? Please?

Xavier 🎨
I'm on my way.

I go sit in the Quad.

Wednesday's POV

I messed it up. I messed up my chance to get her to forgive me. I go back to my dorm. Enid looks at me.

"Did you do it?" She asks.

"I froze up. When she stood in front of me, i just froze up. And she left." I say.

Enid sighs.

"You're not making this any better at all. I'm sorry but you're just not." Enid says.

"I know. But there's nothing i can say that would make her forgive me." I say.

I sit down on my bed. Enid sits next to me. She puts an arm around my shoulder and pulls me into a sideways hug. I lay my head on her shoulder and sigh.

"I just dont know what to do." I say.

"I don't even know what to suggest." Enid says.

"I just have to try harder." I say.

Your POV

"And then i just left." I say.

Xavier nods.

"I actually thought she might've pulled something out of her ass for an apology. But she just didn't. She just stood there." I say.

He pulls me into a hug. I hug back.

"She might actually come up with something eventually but you should know that you don't have to accept the apology. Even if it appears as if she pulls out the best apology ever, if you dont wanna accept it then dont." Xavier says.

"I know but.. i might feel bad if i dont." I say.

"You shouldn't feel bad just because she apologised and you dont wanna accept it." Xavier says.

I just nod.

"Okay. C'mon."

He stands up. I look at him, confusion written all over my face.

"We are going into Jericho. We're gunna go get a drink at The Weathervane and talk about non-Wednesday related things." Xavier says.

"Xavier i have no money." I say.

"I dont care. I'll pay. It's on me. As a best friend. It's on me." Xavier says.

He grabs my hand and pulls me up. I just smile. We get into Jericho and go into The Weathervane. We get some drinks and sit down. We spend literally hours in The Weathervane. He really helped me take my mind off of things.

We soon get back to Nevermore and just walk around for a bit. He walks me back to my dorm.

"You're gunna have fun trying to sneak out past Miss Thornhill. She's literally always on patrol. I swear that woman never sleeps." I say.

He smiles.

"Trust me when i tell you, i can sneak out. I'm like a ninja." He says.

"Oh so you too are a ninja?" I say.

"Oh but of course." Xavier says.

"And here I'm thinking I'm the only ninja around." I say, dropping into a Karate position. I used to do Karate so i know literally everything.

He laughs and drops into the same position.

"Oh is that a challenge?" I ask.

"Maybe it is." Xavier says.


We both stand up. It's Wednesday.

"Wednesday." Xavier says.

"You should probably leave. Miss Thornhill is closing in on our end of Ophelia Hall." Wednesday says.

"Yeah. I was just leaving to be fair. Just... talking to Y/n." Xavier says.

I look at Wednesday.

"Yeah. And would you be bothered at all if he happened to just, i dunno, stay?" I ask.

I notice a look on Wednesday's face. It's jealousy. Intense jealousy.

"No. Why would i care? Just... warning you about Miss Thornhill. Goodnight." Wednesday says.

She walks away. Me and Xavier look at each other.

"Sorry. I panicked." I say.

"No it's alright. Got her to go away." Xavier says.

"To be fair. Just a quick thought. Made her jealous too." I say.

"Pretty quick thinking." Xavier says.

"I didn't mean to though. I dont wanna do all that stupid cliché 'get back at my ex' bulshit thing." I say.

"No i don't blame you. But yeah i probably should go before Miss Thornhill kills me." Xavier says.

We hug and he sneaks off. I close my door and get into the shower. I put my pyjamas on and lay in my bed. I just want things to be okay again..

Okay so how long do we wanna wait until you forgive Wednesday? I just wanna know how long i can prolong my 'Y/n and Xavier' background thing. Byee :)

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