Chapter thirteen

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Your POV

I'm gunna be honest, I'm a little disheartened that she didn't stay. I actually feel really upset about it for some reason. I don't understand it. I'm supposed to hate her for what she did but i just can't.

Every single time i look at her beautiful face, it reminds me why i fell for her. And then reminds me that I'm not hers anymore.

Reminds me that she broke up with me because she loves me too much. Because i made her feel too comfortable. I feel like such a push over.

I should not be wanting to spend time with her after what she did. But here i am, getting hurt when she leaves to go do something.

"Helloooo? Earth to Y/n."

I look at Xavier.

"Sorry. Did you say something?" I ask.

"Yeah i was wondering if you wanted to start heading back to the school. It's getting kinda late and if we wanna get that bus, we should set off now." Xavier says.

I nod. I pay for mine and Wednesday's drinks with the money she left on the table. I put the change in my pocket and we go to the bus.

We eventually get back to Nevermore. Xavier walks me back to my room.

"I just feel like I'm being ridiculous." I say.

"You're not. You're human Y/n. You still love her. And, my god, you just spent nearly 2 years dating her. She became your life. And it got flipped on it's head. You're going through the process of grieving someone who's living." Xavier says.

"Damn Xavier. You getting philosophical on me?" I tease.

"That's a big word for you Y/n? Can you spell it?" He teases.

I laugh and shove him. He laughs and we keep walking. He's walking me to my dorm. We walk past Miss Thornhill along the way.

"You're just walking her to the door right?" Miss Thornhill asks.

"Yes miss, don't worry." Xavier says.

"Yeah don't worry. Just to the door." I say.

"Good. I wanna see you walk out them doors." She says.

"You will i promise." Xavier says.

He walks me to my dorm and hugs me when we get there. I hug back.

"Text me if you need anything at all. I'll be here as fast as possible." Xavier says.

"Thank you. I'll probably text you at some point later." I say.

He chuckles. We pull back from the hug and he leaves. I go into my dorm and close the door. I lock it and turn to my bed. My eyes widen when i see what's waiting for me on my bed this time.

That jacket.. holy shit wait. It's that jacket! That jacket i showed Wednesday a few months ago. $175... there's a little box and a card. I look at the card.

I hope you like the jacket and the surprise in the box.
I'm sorry, i love you.

I look at the jacket in shock. No way did she go and buy that jacket... i put it on and it fits like a glove. I then grab the little box and open it. My eyes widen even more. It's a beautiful ring.

She bought me a jacket and a ring... As an apology. She knows i love this jacket too. And the ring... god the ring is so nice. Wednesday did this.

No doubt in my mind. She's the only one who's seen this jacket. I don't know what to do. Do i go thank her?

Wednesday's POV

I'm pacing. I'm worried. What if she doesn't like them? What if she hates me even more??

"Weds stop pacing!" Enid says.

I look at her.

"She's going to like them. Just sit down." Enid says.

I nod and sit down next to her. My phone buzzes. Y/n is the reason i started using a phone in the first place. I check the message. Holy shit it's from Y/n. Enid looks at me.

"What do i do?" I ask.

"Answer the damn message Weds." She says.

I check the message.

Thank you for the jacket and the ring

I look at Enid. She's looking at me. Just expecting me to do something.

"Oh my god Wednesday. Answer the goddamn message." She says.

"What do i say?" I ask.

"Wait actually.. do we want her to know it's you?" Enid asks.

I shrug.

"Then don't let slip. Until you want her to know, she doesn't need to know." Enid says.

She takes my phone and types up a response. She hands my phone back to me.

What ring and jacket?

"Don't let slip. Xavier wont tell her you got her them. Unless we tell him to, he wont." Enid says.

I nod. This might cause problems in the future but for now, I'm doing what i can.

Another update. I'm trying to get myself back onto a schedule now. So i hope you enjoyed.

Wednesday is trying to win you back. She will at some point. Don't you think?

Byeee :)

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