Chapter three

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Your POV

Miss Thornhill's lesson goes relately fast. Me and Xavier did the work at a pretty decent pace. And it's then time to head out. I grab my stuff and leave with Xavier pretty quickly. We have a free between Miss Thornhill's class and the next lesson. So i guess we just hang about for a bit.

"So what do you do when there's this free? Cos you usually just disappear and reappear." I say.

"Well, especially in the last year and a bit, I've just been in the barn. Where i do all my painting and stuff." Xavier says.

"You didn't do it much before?" I ask.

"No. I really only started doing it when you and Wednesday started dating." Xavier says.

"Oh? Why?" I ask.

"Cos i had a thing for you and felt really awkward around you for a while when you two started dating. But I'm over it so i wont make any moves on you." Xavier says.

"I had no idea." I say.

"Because i liked to push it away cos i knew there was no chance you liked me back." Xavier says.

"Oh. Well thank you for telling me. Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm okay. I got over it pretty fast but i just stayed there. I've been working on something for the last few months anyways." Xavier says.

"Ooo what is it?" I ask.

"It's a secret." Xavier says.

"Now c'mon. You can't be doing that." I say.

He looks at me. I look at him and raise my brows.

"Okay okay fine. It's a birthday present. For you." Xavier says.

"Awe Xavier." I say.

"Shut up." He says.

"You blushin?" I tease.

He smiles and shakes his head. We sit down in the Quad. We talk and i soon notice Enid walk in with her. Xavier follows my gaze.

"Look away. Before you cry." Xavier says.

I sigh and look away.

"Yeah. I know. I can't help it." I say.

Xavier puts his arm around my shoulder and hugs me.

"It's just a bit unusual. Y'know?" I say.

"Yeah i get that. I can help you get over her in the best way i can. Whatever you need to do i can help with." Xavier says.

I smile.

"Thanks. Probably gunna need all the help i can have right now." I say.

He rubs my shoulder. I catch Wednesday's gaze and we lock eyes. I immediately look away.

"C'mon. Lets just... lets just get out of the Quad. Being where she is isn't good for you." Xavier says.

I nod. We stand up and he basically guides me away with his arm around my shoulder. It's just comforting i guess.

Wednesday's POV

I watch Xavier walk Y/n away from the Quad with his arm around her shoulder.

"Weds." Enid says.

I look at her.


"You're gunna have to stop looking at her and Xavier. You ended things with her. If she moves on, you have to get over it." Enid says.

"Yeah i know. But i just dont thing Xavier is the right person. At least not for Y/n." I say.

"Weds, in the nicest way possible, you don't get to say that." Enid says.

I just sigh. She's right. It's my own fault.

Your POV

Me and Xavier get to our next lesson. We have an actual seating plan for this one and I'm, unfortunately, stuck next to Wednesday.

I get there first with Xavier. Xavier is sat behind me. Wednesday and Enid show up. Wednesday sits next to me. I take my book out and my favourite pen.

"You still use the pen?" Wednesday asks.

I look at her. She nods to the pen.

"You still use it?" She asks.

Oh.. it's the pen she got me for my birthday.. i forgot about that.

"Oh.. uh.. yeah. I-uh-i guess. It's the only pen i have." I say.

"You were really happy when you got the pen. It was like i gave you the world on a silver platter." Wednesday says.

"It was a big thing for me. Believe it or not." I say.

"I do believe it. I could see it on your face." She says.

I stay quiet. I just start writing on my book. She sighs.

"Y/n please dont ignore me." Wednesday says.

"You deserve ignoring. So I'm ignoring you." I say.

"I know i deserve it but i just want to apologise. But you dont want to know." She says.

"I'm not doing this in class." I say.

She stays silent. The lesson passes painfully slowly. I can feel Wednesday's eyes burning holes into the side of my head. It's unsettling. It's almost like she's planning something. I hate that.

The lesson finally finishes after what felt like an eternity. While I'm packing my stuff away, i turn to Wednesday. She looks at me.

"You wanna talk, then talk. Meet me near Crackstone's Crypt after last lesson." I say.

Wednesday nods. I brush past her, our hands touching as we do. Me and Xavier leave.

"So what was that then?" Xavier asks.

"What?" I ask.

"I saw your hands touching." Xavier says.

"That was an accident. You and i both know how small the space is between the two desks. I caught her hand by accident." I say.

"And Crackstone's Crypt. Do you need me to go with you? Or are you gunna be okay?" Xavier asks.

"I'll be okay to go but depending on how things go i might need you to come. Just for comfort more than anything." I say.

He nods.

"Yeah of course. Text me. Or call me if you need me to come. Cos I'll be there immediately." Xavier says.

I smile.

"You're a brilliant friend, thank you so much." I say.

He nods. We hug and head off for lunch. Just us two. I missed hanging out with Xavier. I'm dreading later.

I've done it now. I've made the book. Yes the first two chapters are from the imagines book but the rest are completely ✨️brand new✨️. Anyways byee :)

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