Chapter nine

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Enid's POV


She looks at me.


"I need to tell you something." I say.

"What have you done?" She asks.

"Don't be mad but uh... i-uhm... i told Y/n why you broke up with her.."

Her eyes wide and a look of genuine horror appears on her face.

"You did what?" She asks.

"I told Y/n why you ended things with her." I say.

"I cannot believe you did that! She is never going to speak to me ever again! Enid!" She yells.

"I'm sorry! She had a right to know and you were never gunna tell her!" I say.

She stays silent.

"Yeah... i know. God why is this so difficult to handle now? I was fine last week. What is happening to me?" She asks.

She puts her head in her hands.

"You're realising that you might possibly regret it but now you're in too deep and there's no going back." I say.

She sighs.

Wednesday's POV

It's the next day. Me and Enid bump into Y/n.

"Y/n." I say.

She ignores me and smiles at Enid. Yeah. I have this coming for me. This is on me. I'm going to have to accept that.

"I'm meeting Xavier in a bit so I'm gunna go. See you in Miss Thornhill's room." Y/n says.

She smiles and walks away. I sigh and groan to myself.

"You can't be jealous. Stop letting it be on your mind. If they start dating, then it happens. You gotta get over it." Enid says.

"You're saying this as if i don't already know. I know you have no sympathy. But you could at least pretend." I say.

"There's no point. You'd know i was lying. And you know you'd prefer me telling you it like this instead of being all 'oh Weds im sure they wont get together and im sure y/n will forgive you'." Enid says.

"Whatever. I need a moment alone. I'll see you in class." I say.

I walk off. I go sit down in this spot me and Y/n found a few months back. Only us two know about it.

If Y/n starts dating Xavier, i think my entire world would crumble. And it would be entirely my own fault. It's what i deserve for breaking up with her for such a terrible reason.

'Too many feelings'. Even i know it's ridiculous. It's like I'm blaming her. But i opened up too much. I said i was never going to open myself up and i did. And then i got scared, after a year and 2 months, and hurt the one person i promised myself i would never hurt.

I just dont want Y/n to date Xavier. But i guess if it happens, then good for Y/n. But I'd rather it be me. It still should be me. But that's on my own head. I've brought this on myself and like Enid said, there's no going back.

But what Y/n said hurt a bit. I don't know why it hurt but it did. 'You made your bed, now lay in it'. She's been really mature about it all. Handled it way better than I'd have expected.

Maybe, in some way or another, i could win her back.

Start buying her secret gifts. No she'll think Xavier is doing it.

I really fucked up. I'll just find a way. One way or another, I'm going to try to win her back.

Do we want Y/n and Wednesday to get back together? Lemme know cos i could write this book and have Y/n endgame with someone else. Lemme know. Byee :)

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