Chapter seventeen

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Your POV

So it's been a while. 3 months to be exact. So it's been a hot minute. I haven't spoke to either of them since i found out what happened. Wednesday, Enid, Xavier.

I haven't spoke to any of them. I've been entirely alone. Which now that I'm here, sucks more than finding out that she had a plan to get back with me.

But now I'm. I made my bed. Things are different now. Weird. Even worse than before.

But the fair is on today. So it's a chance for me to get out. I'm in The Weathervane right now. Wednesday is in here with Enid and Xavier.

I'm purposefully sat far away from them. It's the first time I've been back out in Jericho since all that happened.

I know i still love her. And i know i want her back. But there is a part of me that's screaming at me to let her go.

'She doesn't love you so you shouldn't love her.'

"Are you planning on going to the fair?" Enid asks Wednesday.

Yeah okay I'm listening to their conversation.

"Maybe. I don't know. It was our thing so i don't know." Wednesday says.

I spend the day here until the fair. I make my way over and just walk around. Anything I'd wanna go on, I'd only go with Wednesday.

While I'm walking, i spot someone i recognize walking into the woods. I'm not following. I'm not stupid. But soon enough, i hear a scream that only i seem to hear.

But i have to make sure they're okay. I go off into the woods. Nobody is here. Someone starts walking over.

They're carrying something. They get to me. That's a goddamn knife.

"Y/n?" Someone calls out.

Sounds like Wednesday. This person in front of me rams the knife into my stomach. My hands immediately start shaking. They twist the knife and pull it out. Then they disappear.


I turn and see Wednesday. She frowns but then her eyes widen the second she looks at my stomach.


I stumble and fall over. She rushes over to me and kneels down next to me. She puts a hand over my stomach and one under my head.

"You're going to be fine. Just don't panic. Keep your breathing as calm as you can." She says.

"Ok-okay." I say.

She looks around. There is nobody. We're quite deep in this wooded area.

"I-I'm going to have to go get you help." She says.

She goes to stand up but i grab her hand. She looks at me.

"Stay. Please." I beg.

"You'll bleed out." Wednesday says.

"Don't leave me." I beg.

"I'm not going to let you die Y/n. Let me go get you help. I promise I'll be back. You're not dying on me." She says.

I grab her tie and pull her into a kiss. Might be the last time i get to do this. She kisses back. I pull back from the kiss and let go of her tie.

"I promise I'll be back." She says.

I nod and she runs. It's not long after that i pass out.

Wednesday's POV

I run out into the fair and start looking around for Enid and Xavier. I find them at a little bench table thing. I run over.

"Weds?" Enid asks.

"Help. Please." I beg.

"What's going on?" Xavier asks.

"It's Y/n. She got stabbed. In the woods. We need to help her." I say.

We all run into the woods and over to her body. She's passed out. I slide a little but kneel next to her.

"Y/n? Y/n open your eyes!" I demand.

I put my hands on her face.

"We can save her. If we get her to the infirmary." Xavier says.

"Are you kidding?! We'll never save her if we have to walk back!" Enid says.

"Go get someone! Go get Weems!" I say.

Xavier runs off. Me and Enid try with all of our might to wake her up. I sit with my hands over the wound. Enid keeps trying to wake her up.

Xavier comes back with Weems in a car. We get her in the back of the car and Weems speeds off back to Nevermore. We get her to the infirmary where they do their work. I watch them wheel her away to some kind of surgery.

I stand with tears in my eyes, watching them wheel her away.

"Hey. Hey Weds. She's going to be fine. She's still alive. She's gunna be okay." Enid says.

I look at my hands. They're covered in her blood.

"Lets go wash that blood off your hands." Xavier says.

"No.. no I'm not leaving until she comes back out and wakes up." I say.

We all sit down and just wait.

"We kissed." I say.

They both look at me in shock. They're sat on either side of me. I'm sat back with my arms crossed.

"What?" Enid asks.

"Before i came to get you guys she grabbed my tie and kissed me. I don't know if it was because she thought she was going to die or if it was because she wanted to kiss me just because." I say.

"She kissed you?" Xavier asks.

I nod.

"Yeah. I was shocked too. I kissed back because i mean you get kissed, you kiss back." I say.

"That's a good sign." Enid says.

"Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know. I don't want to overthink it when she might not wake up." I say.

"She will. You know what she's like. She wont go away without a fight." Xavier says.

I nod. And we just sit here waiting for hours. I really hope she wakes up soon.

Sooo.. that happened. You kissed! For the first time in this book! You and Wednesday kissed! What do you think?

Let me know. Byeee :)

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