Chapter five

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Your POV

9am. But it's a Saturday. So why am i awake? I'm awake because there's tapping on my window. I sit up and stretch. Then go to my window. I open it and see Xavier.

"You know, you do have my phone number in your phone. Call me maybe?" I suggest.

"Yeah but the old fashioned 'throw mini stones at your window till i get your attention' thing is my favourite." Xavier says.

I sit on my window ledge.

"So, it's 9am on a Saturday. What do you need my attention that bad for?" I ask.

"Well, i was gunna wait a few more hours but we're going out. Just to distract you. My job as your best friend is to distract you from your sadness." Xavier says.

"You're a long way down there by the way. Good throw." I say.

Yeah my room in Ophelia Hall is very high up. So he's got a good throw on him.

"Thank you. Now c'mon. Get dressed, as warm as your pyjamas look right now. Get dressed, grab a jacket. Grab your phone. Meet me in the main hall." Xavier says.

"Okay. Gimme 30 minutes at most. I gotta shower." I say.

"Okay. 30 minutes. I'm timing you now!" He says.

"Okay. 30 minutes." I say.

He walks off. I get back into my room and close my window. I go shower and get dressed. It's cold out today so i put some warm clothes on. While I'm grabbing my things, there's a knock on my door. It's probably Miss Thornhill. She usually does a check up on me on the mornings. Especially recently.

I open the door and my smile fades. It's Wednesday.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Can we talk?" She asks.

I grab my phone and jacket.

"No. I'm going out with Xavier." I say.

"He doesn't have good intentions with you." She says.

"And how would you know that? Hmm? You had one of your witchy visions? You're not in control of my life, Wednesday. You dont get to dictate who i hang out with. He had a crush on me in the past. He's over it. And you broke up with me. So unless you are going to pull out some bulshit fucking apology i dont wanna know. You've made your bed. You get to lay in it now." I say.

I just close my door and lock it. I call Xavier.

"Hey. It's almost been 30 minutes. I'm still timing you." He says.

"Hey. I'm just gunna stay here. I'm sorry." I say.

"Hey no it's okay. You dont have to apologise. I'm still gunna go into Jericho. I'm gunna pull Ajax with me. If you need me at any point while I'm out, call me and i will come back. I promise." Xavier says.

"You're the best. Thank you. I will do. Have fun." I say.

I end the call. My phone buzzes. It's a message.

Weds 💘💘
Can we please just talk?

I never changed her name on my phone. So it's the same it's always been.  Got her to start using her phone in the first place....

Weds 💘💘

I put my phone down and take off my jacket.

"Go away, Wednesday." I say.

"Y/n please." She begs.

"No." I say.

I grab my tennis ball, ready to throw it again.

"Y/n please. I need to talk to you." She says.

I throw the ball at the door.

"Leave me alone!"

"Y/n please, I'm begging you." Wednesday begs.

I stand up, unlock the door and swing it open.

"You just dont get it do you?" I ask.

She stays silent.

"You broke my heart! Shattered! Destroyed! Millions of pieces! Because you decided one day that i just wasn't good enough for you! So you clearly never thought i was good enough." I say.

"I've never thought you weren't good enough for me." Wednesday says.

"Well you clearly did though, didn't you? Because we promised each other from the first day, no matter what happened, it was us two against everything. And you swore on your life that it was just us two. And, by the looks of it now, it's not just us two any more. Is it? Cos there isn't an 'us two' anymore." I say.

She stays quiet.

"So now what? Any apology you bring out just clearly isn't going to change anything between us. Because you've just broken it. It's done. I dont want to know anymore. And I'm sorry but you're just not taking the hint. So this is it now. I'm done." I say.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"I'm done." I say.

I can feel myself about to cry.

"You did this. This is on you. You broke my heart. And you know you did." I say.

Yeah it's coming. My eyes are tearing up.

"Y/n i-"

She sighs. I bite my lip to stop myself from crying.

"Just... just come in." I say.

I step to the side and she walks in. I close the door. I might regret this..

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