Chapter nineteen

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Your POV

When i wake up, it's pretty early. Like I'm talking 7am. But Wednesday is layed awake, just holding my hand and fiddling around with my rings. She always used go do this before i woke up. Mostly when she'd be the little spoon.

She was always the little spoon. She has her head on my chest. We spent all night cuddling. It was nice. It actually was really nice. I missed this. I really did.

"Morning." I say.

She looks at me and lets go of my hand.

"You can keep doing that. I don't mind." I say.

She nods but then stands up.

"Are you feeling okay? Is there anything you need? Anything i need to get you?" Wednesday asks.

"No I'm okay. Just sit. Next to me." I say.

"You need food. To eat. Did you eat yesterday?" Wednesday asks.

"I did. I ate yesterday. Just sit." I say.

"I'm going to get you some food. And a doctor to look you over." She says.

And she leaves before i can argue. I sit up, feeling a bit of pain while i do. But i sit up. 10 minutes pass and she comes back with one of the doctors.

"Morning Y/n. How're you feeling?" The doctor asks.

"Morning. I'm alright. It hurt when i sat up but it's fine." I say.

"Yeah i reckon it will hurt when you move about for the next few days. But the good thing is, you're good to leave. So Wednesday went and got you some clothes. So, once you're dressed, you're good to go. There are some antibiotics you've gotta take. Once every day, soon as you wake up. That keeps an infection from happening. But, you're all good to go." He says.

He puts the bottle of antibiotics next to me on the unit next to the bed. He then leaves.

"So, uhm... i was thinking that uh... i-if you wanted too, when you're dressed, we could.. go out and get some food together?" Wednesday suggests.

I smile.

"Yeah I'd like that." I say.

She almost looks relieved.

"You do?" Wednesday asks.

"Yeah. I think we should probably talk anyway." I say.

Wednesday nods.

"Okay uhm. I'll leave you to change." Wednesday says.

"I don't wanna make you uncomfortable but could you help me just put the shirt on? Cos i don't wanna stretch too much just in case." I say.

"Yeah. Yeah i can do that." Wednesday says.

She leaves so i can put the pants and socks on. I did wake up without a bra on so i put that on.

"Wednesday." I say.

She walks in and almost freezes in her spot when she looks at me. She's looking directly at the wound.

"You okay?" I ask.

She snaps out of it and looks at me.

"Sorry yeah uhm... sorry."

She walks over. I hand the shirt to her and we kinda struggle to get it on but we do. I have to sit for a second.

"Do you need anything? Did you take one of the pills the doctor gave you?" Wednesday asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. I probably should take one of those pills." I say.

She grabs the pills and gets me a glass of water. I take the pill and she sits next to me.

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