you care?

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Finally she'll be mine. I've asked Taehyun  to tell Chan that only Minho will hand her over to me. It would be so soothing to watch his pathetic condition. If it wasn't that stupid mission overseas of mine, I would've got her before a month.

"Hyung, Chan isn't responding."
Taehyun came running towards me.

"Why? This has never happened and shouldn't even happen."
I raised my eyebrow.

"I'll call his official number."

"Put it on speaker."
I said.

After ringing for about a minute, someone finally picked up. I recognised his voice within a second. It was that pathetic Hongjoong.

"Whatcha doing at Chan's mansion?"
I raised my eyebrow saying this.

"I'm sorry Yeonjun, I wasn't in my office so he decided to pick up the call."
Chan said panting.

"I hope you haven't told him about this mission of yours."
I laughed maniacally.

"No I've not. By the way is there any change in something?"

"Yeah, I want Minho to hand her over to me next week."
My voice turned serious and cold.

"No problem. He'll be there with her."

"How's Suha? Is she doing well?"
I asked and a faint smile appeared at my face.

"She...She's doing well. Don't worry about it. You have my words."

I hung up the call. I was so excited to meet the love of my life after such a long time. Even tho she doesn't remember me, I'll make her love me anyhow.


Why did he asked for specially Minho to hand her over to him? Naur, but there's definitely something between both of them that I don't know.

"Hongjoong why did you have to pick up the call without my permission?"
I furrowed at him.

"I'm sorry Chan I thought it might be something related to Minho and Suha."
He laughed in embarrassment.

"Hyung, Seungmin has contacted Australia's underground team while Jeonghan and Wooyoung have contacted Mexico's."
Jeongin came running to my office.

"Hmm, have they started to work?"
Hongjoong asked him.

"Actually they said they want to talk to the leaders(Chan and Hongjoong) first."
He said panting.

We went to the med room and talked to the teams. They had already given Minho and Suha's photos to them so that they would start searching for them right away.

"If they're in Australia, we'll be able to find them within two days if he's not witty. Daurnt worry Mate."
The Australian underground team leader assured me.

While the Mexico team leader said to Hongjoong that it will take some time for them.

It's getting fucking annoying now! I hope we find them within a week. I swear I'll give Minho severe punishment this time, although I'll never abandon him. I know he's right this time but he has to see from my point of view too.


Here's one of my trusted friends in this information booth named Kento. I helped him unknowingly three years ago when I was on a mission in Japan here, and he wanted to return my help whenever I need it. I had contacted him before fleeing here with Suha to keep eyes on skz members. There I came to know that they're searching for us in Mexico and Australia as I had deliberately asked Jeongin for the flights to distract them.
I'm not happy by doing so, but I can't see Suha with that maniac.
I thanked Kento for the information and he said he would be available anytime for me.

Meant to be togetherDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora