Plan again...

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We had our lunch and Han was literally dozing off while sitting on the chair so I shook him aggressively.

"Oh sorry, I'm really tired! I'm going to sleep now!"

"Did you take your sleeping pills in excess or what?"
I raised my eyebrow to which he tried not to make eye contact with me.
"I'm literally gonna throw that shit in the trash bin if you do this again."

"Promise! Not again!"
He went yawning towards his room.

Then I realised that the dining table was already clean and she was cleaning the dishes so I went to help her.

"Let me do that. You go have some rest."
I said standing next to her.

"Ain't you tired? You need more rest than me tho! Go sleep I'll do this."

"I said I'm doing this."

"Nope! Go have some rest."

"Don't let me repeat it again."

"Or else?"
She giggled saying this to which I pulled her behind me by holding her hand and quickly stood at her place infront of the sink and started doing the dishes.
I had just picked a dish when I got pulled back with so much force that I actually fell on the ground!

"Woahhh don't kill me!"
She ran screaming around the house followed by me.

She quickly ran into the living room and stood behind the sofa panting.

"Not gonna spare ya this time!"
I smirked and ran behind her, I was about to catch her hand but I slipped a bit, I didn't fall but she took that chance and ran towards her room. I chased her behind and she was going to climb over the bed when I jumped and our eyes met.

We were looking into each other's eyes in silence when I heard Han yelling-
"What are you guys doing? At least close the door!"

That was the moment I realised that I was on top of her on the bed,"shit I fucked up!" I thought in my head and quickly rolled on the other side while she quickly got up.

"Ya it's not what you're thinking!"
I got up to explain it when-

"It was just.... You know we were fighting over who's gonna do the dishes!"

"Okay if you say so."
He smirked looking at me to which I glared at him.

"Anyways I'm doing the dishes."
I was about to walk out of the room when she yelled getting up-
"I said I'll do that!"

"Seriously?You guys are so desperate just to do the dishes? Let's do one thing.
Minho you'll scrub them and Suha will clean them with water."

"Not a bad idea tho. Common if you're doing now, or else I'll do them alone."
She walked saying this, I nodded and followed her.

We did the dishes in silence, only the sound of the utensils and tap water could be heard.


"Still wanna do the dishes? The water's cold."
I said without looking at her.

"Do you think a little sneeze means I've *Achu* got a *Achu* cold?"

I let out a chuckle hearing this to which she glared at me.

The next day-

I couldn't sleep all night, and was driving towards Skz's mansion Taehyun beside me and others in another car behind ours.

"Why didn't you take any sleeping pills? You know we need to be in good condition for this."
Taehyun said with a concerned tone.

"I slept well, I didn't need them anyways."

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