Part 2 of part 7

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Heyy! I'm back I feel better I'm gonna be able to right more prob today bc I stayed home sick I threw up and I have the worst headache but I'm back to write! Well I hope you enjoy!

We look over and see a gloink glitching kinda like that monster earlier then Jax does this cute things with his eyes and mouth oh god help whyyyyyy why himmmmm 😭 (real) the biggest douche bag around! Whatever "why is it glitching?" I ask (remember she hasn't seen anybody distract yet this is a first and they didn't stay long enough to see it happen to ragatha) "that means that it got touched by the abstracted or another glitchy thing!" Kinger said helpfully walking over "oh!" I said understanding when the Gloink creature starts to talk again "you foolish assortment of colorful characters! Do you not realize that everything must be gloinks?! I am gloinks, you will be gloinks, god will be gloinks!" "This is dumb" Jax said "and weird" I said finishing his sentence "well, but, your still watching it?!" "against my will!" I say pointing a finger "yeah I'm not here for the adventure or anything I'm just here to hide from the-" Jax got cut off by the abstracted Kaufmo attacking the Gloink Queen I laugh "I didn't know Kaufmo was in the circus till we found out he was abstracted!" "O-oh no we forgot to tell you!" Gangle whisper yelled and Kinger got shove back against the wall by Zoobles head "oh thank GOD your okay!" He says "you didn't experience a game show in there did you?" Zooble groans "I-what are you talking about?" Zooble asks the gloink queen continues to get beaten black and blue by Kaufmo "what's happening?!" Gangle
Squeals in a scared way "it'll be okay" I try to comfort them "it's just Kaufmo don't worry bout it" Jax teases oh crap I forgot they don't know that he abstracted because JAX wanted to lie I give him a look as always and continue to comfort Gangle "Kaufmo abstracted?!" Gangle yells "nah hes fine" Jax responds all of a sudden Kinger comes out of nowhere  "YOUR RUGHT HOW ARE WE GONNA GET OUT OF HERE" I try to calm him down "you guys over there" Zooble says we look over there's an escalator "huh" Kinger says immediately calming down oh god I hate escalators I'm scared of them (true story of mine I always face plant on them 😭) I walk over to it next to Gangle and gulp "lady's first" Jax says Gangle starts to walk forward and Jax shoved them "not you her" I help
Gangle up and get on nervous the whole time "wait Pomnis not even here?!" Zooble continues "wasn't this whole thing for her?!" "Be quiet I can't hear the escalator" Jax says then we get off and I breath a sigh of relief it went in for like 15 minutes! We ran over to Caine "Caine!" Kinger starts "Kaufmo went through a sort of Kaufmosis and abstracted!" Caine yelled started "Kaufmo abstracted?!" "Why didn't anybody tell me?!" He said in the weirdest way possible then put Kaufmo in the cellar "into the cellar you go!" And zooble says "man, I can't believe Kaufmo just gave up like that." "I mean no offense Kinger I always thought you would be next" "thank you " Kinger says "gues it just goes to show you can't rely on Kinger for anything !" Jax says rudely again the convo gets cut off by Ragatha "I am in so much pain!" (Idk how to make her sound glitchy ) "oh" Caine says and snaps making it go away "I do have to apologize for lying about the exit! I knew how much all of you have been wanting there to be one but you you know I was having some trouble figuring out what to put on the other side! And never ended up quite finishing it! And you know how I never like letting people see my unfinished work! Especially if it leaves you out into the void" .... "Anyway looks like you defeating the Gloink Queen! So I guess the adventures over l! Your reward is a delicious digital feast cooked by our head bubble chef !" "Made with all the love in legally aloud to give!" Bubble says happily "you know I am pretty hungry" Jax says looking at his nails again you didn't even do anything!" Gangle whisper shouts "so what? I can't still be hungry?" Jax responds sassily "well not really cause we don't need to eat drink or sleep in this digital world so the digital food here only gives off the virtual sensation of eating without any of the nutritional benefits-" "sheesh lay off it since when are you an expert on the digital world?" "Expert on the what?" Then we all ate and talked

Hope y'all enjoyed this one I don't feel to good but I pushed through to finish this chapter next chapter will be interesting I promise!

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