Zooble x romantic y/n!

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This was suggested by Bingbing729 thank you for the suggestion!

Zooble had always been antisocial and never been the romantic type. That's was until y/n joined. Y/n had been the opposite and it was one of the only things they disagreed on. Y/n loved affection and always tried to hold Zooble hands and hug them and kiss them and give them flowers Zooble was never against it and actually loved it but never showed it until one day. Y/n went to Zoobles room after the events and dinner to hang out. When they got the room they sat on Zoobles bed y/n layed down, and Zooble sat on the side of the bed "that was an eventful day!" Y/n said enthusiastically "yeah..." Zooble said like they were distracted "something on your mind?" Y/n asked confused "would you mind if...I..we cuddled?" Zooble asked blushing lightly. Zooble had a bad day and was ready for physical affection "of course!" Y/n said excited and happy her lover wanted her love "I'll be right back" y/n said running and came back a second later with flowers, Zoobles favorite! Zooble blushed and put them in a vase while y/n got on the bed and layed straight while Zooble layed on her lap nuzzling their head into y/n's torso, y/n just rubbed their back and hummed.

Hope you enjoyed ! Thanks for the suggestion again Bingbing729!!

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