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3rd person pov................................................. Y/N was at his desk, he had just gotten done with a Wings of Fire fanfic about a human in the Wings of Fire universe. he moved out of the garage of his parent's home after they started complaining that he was 18 and needed to move out, he had just turned 18 not a month ago and they all already wanted him gone.

getting in bed, he dreamed about leaving this world and flying on the back of Glory or Sarflight his, favorite Dragonets of Destiny. Tsunami, Sunny, and Clay were good characters but he was always more like Starflight and Glory.

in another universe so different from this one, the dragonets of destiny are in their cave thinking about how to escape this stupid cave besides Sunny of course who was in deep thought about how to save the world from the war.

In the Dragons Shadow: A Human's OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now