meeting the queen: ch 3

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As soon as he woke up, he was startled by his surroundings. He had just woken up in a dungeon surrounded by other scavengers. "oh look, he's getting up!" said a voice to the left of him. Turning quickly around him, he saw what looked to be a girl in her late teens, maybe 17. "finally, another person instead of your annoying ass." said the person in front of him. It looked like the man was maybe 40-50. He had a beard with a scar over his eye, and his voice sounded terrible.

"w-were am!" Y/N said, trying to sound confident, but he had stuttered, so it did not work. "welcome to our prison. My name is Annabelle," said the girl. "my name is Dave," said the grumpy old man. But as soon as he was about to tell his name, a loud stomping sound came from the other end of the long corridor, and then he saw another dragon, not the same one who had kidnapped him and thrown him in this hell hole.

The massive dragon grabbed the key around his neck. "This was probably the prison keeper," he thought, as this dragon took the key and turned the lock. The dragon mumbled under his breath, "Another snack for the queen." the dragon reached down and grabbed Y/N, which made him yelp in surprise.

They then took off down the hall, walking with each stomp that made Y/N shake in the massive dragon talons. He started to hear some talking in an upcoming room. "I think that's the thrown room due to how we are going in." he could also hear a little talking.

I Was still shaking in the dragon's talons as they approached the door. He saw two dragons with spears and amour. "open the door. This scavenger is for the queen, " he said grumpy and rudely. The two dragons nodded and opened the door, and he was face to face with the queen of the Skywings, Queen Scarlet.

She looked more pretty and terrifying in person than in the books." just then, the dragon holding me dropped me out of nowhere and left the room. So Scarlet asked one of the dragons something. This time, he recognized the dragon. It was the same one who had gotten him into this mess.

"Spiral, you said this scavenger talked. Are you going crazy? I don't want one of my best to go crazy." crazy, that's funny coming from you, " he thought. "no, Your Majesty, as I said, I was looking for more scavengers to put in the arena and then I saw this one all alone, and when I captured it he called me a lizard.

"OK then, if what you say is true scavenger TALK, I demand it." I stood there in silence for a good 10-20 seconds before the queen said, "Look, I told you it can't talk. Pick it up and give it here so I can eat it," looking at the dragon that was about to pick me up I then spoke

"wait, I can talk." the queen looked at me for another 5 seconds before saying, "Oh my, looks like you were right, spiral. How thrilling, bring it here." then the dragon that captured me picked me up and brought me into the queens talons.

"so scavenger, you can talk. I never thought a scavenger could be intelligent." Queen Scarlet smiled, "Well, we can do many things," I said nervously. My once trying-to-be-tough act was gone at this point.

"Oh, can you know? So if you can do so many things, then why do we eat your species?" she said with an even bigger smile."well, you cant under understand us, and you are much bigger than us." still shaking in the palm of the most evil dragon in Pyrrhia.

"Well, I do have a couple more things to ask you, so I hope you don't mind me asking," the queen said. "N-not at all," I said, this time clearly stuttering. "My first question. How can you speak? Are you animus touched?" Scarlet said in a rather terrifying voice. "N-no, I am not animus touched. I could always speak like you."

"well, that's weird, but I will say this is getting increasingly surprising." Scalet was starting to look surprised. A talking scavenger might be getting to her. "my next question is, why were you alone in the woods?"

"W-well, I was kicked out of my home," I responded to her question. "why?" she said in an almost annoyed voice. "w-well, I stole food from another home because I'm homeless." I said, "Oh, you poor thing." She then crushed me in her talons. "DON'T LIE TO ME. I SEE THE OUTFIT YOU ARE WEARING. I HAVE NEVER SEEN A SCAVENGER WITH SUCH COLORS." I then realized I had nothing matching the normal scavenger's clothes. "O-ok," I started, gasping for air, and she loosed her grip on me.

I then thought of something I could say: "I-I almost killed someone once, and because there weren't many of us, they kicked me out saying that. Even though there weren't many people in the town, they could not have someone kill another." she griped loosened on me even more." oh I see well can't have you get out or injured so GUARD" the queen said wich did startle me she seemed pleased by this then a guard came over, and she said those words "take this scavenger to one of the podiums I will talk with you again soon~" she said saying that last part to me.

Then the dragon, aka Spiral, the first thing I had met in this world, took from the queen's claws and ran out the door. They started flying when they exited the palace, went to a podium with a yellow dragon, and threw me on the hard stone.

AUTHOR NOTE(dear lord, that took a lot of time writing Scarlet took so much brain power. Well, I hope you enjoyed this one. It's my longest yet, and as always, if you have any opinions, let me know. Have a good day/night.)

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