awoken: ch1

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Y/N POV ............................................................................................................ Feeling the stony wet ground, Y/N awoke not knowing where he was. He quickly said, "WHERE THE FUCK AM I" looking around in a panic. After claiming down and getting his bearings, he figured he was kidnapped and did not wake up. Soon, he found a bag with a knife, canister, and a gun... with no bullets. "Oh, come on," he thought to himself. It was not too bad he did have a knife. At least he didn't know how to hunt or what Barrys weren't going to kill him.

Y/N started walking, hoping to find water as fast as possible. He was starting to feel thirsty after the hour-long panic session. He also knew that animals are around water. His 'friends' told him he didn't give it much thought at first because he's not into hunting or anything to do with survival, but that info might save his life.

While walking, he heard wingbeats, but he brushed this off, thinking he was hearing things. He kept walking. Finally, after what felt like hours, he found water! Not wasting any time, he knelt down with the canaster in hand and pushed it under the water. He also felt it run over his hand, which felt good even as it was very hot wherever he was. After getting up, he got a better look at the river. It was huge. "Where the hell am I," Y/N said to himself.

Y/N knew he should stay near the river, so he walked about finding a good area to set up base because it was in a clearing and it was also in a valley.

Y/N knew he should stay near the river, so he walked about finding a good area to set up base because it was in a clearing and it was also in a valley

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So he sat down, not knowing where he was, and then those wingbeats were again there. It sounded as if it was a bat, just 100 times bigger. And then he saw it... a dragon, a real dragon. "OK, okay, this is not fun anymore. I knew I wanted to leave the earth and go to another world entirely. I was fantasizing, but I didn't want to leave my home. I just got my home, for Christ's sake. Maybe my life was a little bad, but that's just life. I knew it was going to get better one day."

Starting to panic, I walked around in a circle, and then, like my life couldn't be better, more wingbeats sounded as if they were getting closer, so before I could think, my body moved on its own and dove into a bush, not wanting to be eaten alive by some flying reptile.

I watched, and then bam, a dragon 20 times my size just landed in front of me. It didn't see me, but it probably could have smelled me, and then it turned around and looked right through my soul.

AUTHOR NOTE(Hello, thank you so much for reading this. If you have any feedback, I would love it. This is my first story, so I'm sorry if it's a little sloppy; I hope you all have a good day or night.)

In the Dragons Shadow: A Human's OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now