a very confusing day: ch 11

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Sahara POV..................................................................................................................................... The sand all around me stretched for miles the sun was bright and warm, and the heat from the blazing sand made me feel at ease. all I could think about was 'Why how am I here I was just fighting Y/N' Was this his pocket dimension?

sand means I'm in the desert but where? All I can see is a desert that makes me comfortable though. even with no one around "Hey down here!" a voice said that was all too familiar. looking down I saw a scavenger it was him my Y/N. "you're here! how though?" I looked straight at him I was just as confused as excited.

"simple I'm not here," he said in his cute voice 'wait no I can't have thoughts anymore he's a scavenger I'm a dragon, and I think he can be my pet though, my pet mine, and only mine. wait but he's standing here right in front of me so why did he say that he wasn't here?

"wait but you are here I can see you and touch you" I poked him which made him giggle which made me blush "Remember how I said that I was an animus and I made this place well I thought long and hard about the enchantment and I decided that this was the best possible way to keep me happy and other happy," he said

"yay dude that does not answer the question at all," I said mocking him "You're not wrong but you also did not let me finish my sentence so can you kindly shut the fuck up and listen?" he said in that cute but very rude voice "what did you just say?" I said "Never mind what I said let's continue," he said 'what was that I kinda liked that but he had not ever said that to me what is this place' I thought

"ok so I'm him but not him I live in your mind whatever you want him to do no matter how deep down you want it and that's why I said fuck you so since that's what you wanted that's what you got" he gasped and continued "not only that I aka him have made the pocket dimension suit every person who enters it so whatever you want in here is possible in here!" he took a breath after that a very cute breath.

"ok so wait I'm in here with you and I can do anything," I said "Yes you can but no sexual stuff, I or him made sure of that," he said this and it made me very mad even though I did not like him that way at all and he is only my pet and nothing else.

"Y-YA W-WELL I WASN'T GOING TO DO ANYTHING ANYWAY!" I yelled "Ya ya sure anyway I'm here to stay until he brings you back to his world," he said lying down "How about you get on my chest?" I said "I knew this was coming fine I will go up there but again no sexual stuff," He said getting back up.

A/N god help me I have been gone for way too long almost 3 weeks can you believe that anyway, we passed 400 people who have seen this that's just crazy to me I thank you all so much I just started writing and I can not explain how much joy I get when I see the view count go up again thank you all so much it means the world to me anyhoo I hope you all have a good day/night and goodbye.

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