Meeting the queen again: ch 6

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Y/N POV........................................................................................................................................... I woke up very warm and comfortable but also not able to move my hands or legs. I opened my eyes to see that I was coiled in Sahara's tail. "OK, wtf why am I here? It's not like I'm complaining; I am warm, not wet, and very comfy.

I did try to get out because even though it was very cozy and nice, I wanted to move around and stretch. However, I woke up Sahara. The dragon looked down at me, quickly unraped her tail around me, and blushed a lot. Her face was redder than a tomato at this point.

"good morning," I said, trying not to make things more awkward than they already were. "Good morning," she said with a stutter in her voice. "So let's just pretend that never happened," I said. "Agreed," she said right back. "Anyhoo, what do you want to do?" Just then, a guard with his armor came and said, "The queen wants to talk with you," he said while looking straight at me.

"why?" Sahara said, "I don't know, and I don't care. It's the queen's orders so that I will obey them." I just stood there and accepted my fate of being dragged to that crazy queen. What was I going to do, try and kill him? He's 20 times the size of me, ya. I could use my powers, but that would reveal myself. I also did not want to hurt anyone.

Then the dragon came up to me and picked me up. Sahara was not having any of it, though, and tried to get me back, but she was restrained by the wing trap thing that they had on her. and we began to fly over to the palace. Sahara was very mad. You could tell that she wanted to talk with me still, almost like she had a crush on me.

We then landed on the path that led to the throne. It was huge, with pictures of scarlet everywhere you could see. We started going to the door, bigger than the other doors I had seen. It was also very familiar "that the door to the throne room," I thought.

The guard approached the door, nodded at the other guards, and opened it. Scarlet was not in here, though, which was unsettling. I tried to look around, but I could not. The dragon's grip was very tight. Just then, the dragon set me down on one of the throne's armrests.

"the queen will be with you soon," the dragon said before leaving the throne room. I know had a chance to look around the throne room the first time I was here, but I never got the chance. The room had a lot of light. "Glory will like that." I thought the room also had a massive picture of Scarlet right above the throne

Scarlet came into the room with a smile. She walked up to me. I was terrified to see her again after our last chat. She had me almost in tears. "OK, little scavenger, today you are going to know your place in this kingdom, do you understand," she said, the smile growing on her face. "Y-yes I do b-but how will you show me my place, your m-majesty," I said. "I'm sure you saw that arena down there well let me tell you it's not just for looks".

"of course, I know it's not just for looks. I saw what happened to horizon" I thought. "You see, you need to prove to me that you're worth keeping around so you will be fighting that yellow dragon you were on the piller with. she said with an evil grin.

A/N aka author not( hey people good to be back writing. I have been gone for a week and I am now back. You should all expect a new chapter every day or two OK anyhoo I hope you all are having a great day/night and I will see you soon)

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