is this love?: ch 5

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The first spell I did was making a pocket dimension. This spell would help me take things with me and others. Because I made dimension, I had control over it, so I made any living thing that enters the pocket dimension be put in the most comfortable place they had ever been in.

So, if a dragon or scavenger likes the ocean and everything in it, it might swim underwater with fish. Another example is if a dragon or scavenger wants to be with its family and friends, it will be in a room with them.

I wanted the pocket dimension to be a safe place where anyone could be happy. But I also wanted something else, and to get that, I would have to make another animus-touched object. So, I decided to wait a bit before making another one.

Besides, it's not like I could. There were no other stones or anything. I also knew that I could get off the platform, but I also knew in about six days, the dragonets would be here, so I decided to wait, and hey, at least I had company.

I'm talking about Sahara. that yellow dragon I met. She seemed nice, or at least she would not eat me. I exited the pocket dimension after all that work, and I could see the moon high in the sky, shining over dragons. Then I had a thought: "All these dragons are not fake. They are real with their own lives, stories." Again, it hit me like a bullet train. I'm not in my world, and I have no idea how or if I can return.

With that thought, I lay down on the cold, wet stone. But what could I do? Well, I knew I could do something, but I had said no to using my powers to make the platform a little drier, which was very dumb. Besides, I have been through worse. I slept outside after it snowed once when I was 13. I still have no idea how I did not freeze to death. I then went to sleep.

Sahara POV..................................................................................................................................... I woke up still questioning how I got into this mess. At least I had a friend, and he was friendly, or at least I hoped. One thing this cruel world has taught me is everyone has a secret. I learned that lesson after my sibling, who I looked up to, became a spy for Burns Army. That was around two years ago. It still hurts to think about it.

I lay there looking up at the three moons. One was half full, the other black, and the other full. " The moons are beautiful tonight," I thought. I looked to where I thought Y/N would be, and he was there, only shivering. He was cold. "oh god, he's cute as well." NO, NO, I can not have those thoughts about a scavenger!

"OK, I'm doing this so he doesn't freeze to death. Nothing else". I then picked him up, being gentle not to wake him, and I put him next to me with my tail curled around him." oh, he's so cute I could just" NO NO NO NO, those thoughts are for private me only when I'm alone in my bed. 

In the Dragons Shadow: A Human's OdysseyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin