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Hello, people. This is not a part of the fanfic. I just wanted to credit some people and say something I think needs to be said.

Okay, the first person I want to credit is karodriguez1987. They inspired me to make fanfic with their fanfic about a human who got dropped in the wings of Fire Universe. They are a great writer and encourage you to go and support them.

The following person I want to credit is KingofTerrablade; they are the author who made me want to do a Yandere story. They did the same thing with a human being dropped in the wings of Fire Universe, but they added yandere. So I also encourage you to go and support them.

OK, the thing I want to say is that Y/N is a male. I did not specify this in the title. And I'm sorry to anyone who thought this was a nonbinary character.

That's all I want to say so i hope you have a great day/night

In the Dragons Shadow: A Human's OdysseyWhere stories live. Discover now