Captured and scared: ch 2

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Y/N POV............................................................................................................................. "oh shit shit shit shit!" I said in a scared voice, running as fast as I could in the other direction. I heard very loud stomping, which only made me run faster. Turning, I looked behind me, thinking I might have gotten away. I kept thinking but did not stop running.

"DEAR GOD WHY ME? I WAS TRYING TO FIND A PLACE TO STAY TONIGHT, AND NOW A DRAGON THE SIZE OF A TRUKE IS AFTER ME!" I thought to myself. Finding a hiding place, I crawled into a hole in the side of a cliff. I heard the dragon stomp past me, still not making a sound. I looked out of the crevice, hoping and praying that the dragon was gone, and it was as if my adrenaline was starting to fade. I felt a lot of heat on my shoulders and looked up.

Seeing the dragon not 10 feet above me, I tried going back into the tiny hole, but it was futile as it picked me up and looked into my eyes. I started to scream that it put me down, "LET GO OF ME, YOU LIZARD!"

Then it looked at me with the most puzzled expression I have ever seen, and the dragon spoke, "??? You c-can talk," The unknown dragon said, "hell ya, I can talk now. Can you please put me down!" I thought I sounded confident, but the way the look it was giving me said otherwise. "??? I have to take you to the queen," the dragon said. And then it all came to you, queens,  dragons, the huge river you were in the Wings of Fire universe.

"This can not be happening," I thought, and the dragon started flying. You felt your whole body feel the air around you. Blow past your face. And then, to make sure, you asked the dragon if it was a Skywing. "Uh, sir... mame is- are you a Skywing?" the dragon ignored you, so you tried again. "Listen, can you just answer my question."

But then he or she hit you in the head. You quickly fell asleep after that because you just got hit in the head, were over 500 feet off the ground, and were flying fast, causing you to pass out.

 AUTHOR NOTE(hello, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and if you have any opinions on what I should do to improve this story, please tell me.) :)

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