meeting the dragonets: ch 10

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Y/N POV.......................................................................................................................................... Last night was not fun in the slightest. all she did was cuddle me and other things I won't get into. the dragon above me was purring with happiness I think she was still asleep I'm not sure though. 

I started squirming because I wanted out of her grasp. "oh no no no we can't have you get out now can we~" the queen said. just then a guard came bursting threw the door "Your majesty a scavenger has broken into the treasury!" the guard said.

"WHAT!" Scarlet roared in fury "TELL ME HOW RIGHT NOW" Scarlet looked like she could kill him in two seconds which she could. "we don't know right now the scavenger broke in and took some of the gold!"

"WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET TWO OF MY GUARDS AND FOLLOW ME!" scalet then got up and I nearly fell off the bed. She caught me though and then wrapped in her tail and took me with her.

the queen walked down the palace corridor stomping with each step she then got to the throne room and walked over to two guards "Hello Your Majesty we are here to help find the scavenger!" one of the guards said "But it looks like you already found him" the other said "no this is my scavenger"

the guards had a confused look on their faces and then nodded "ok we can go now" the first guard said. "then let's go!" Scarlet said. she then picked me up from her tail and put me on her back "Hold on~" she ran out of the room got to a balcony and dove off.

30 minutes ................................................................................................................................. "My queen we have found the scavenger it seemed to have run into those woods over there," one of the guards said. "good I will go alone but I would like you both to follow me and stay at least 10 minutes behind me," scarlet said. the guard nodded and Scarlet flew down to the woods.

"wait! Why am I coming with you!?" I said "I'm not letting you out of my site for a little bit because of that stunt you pulled in the arena i have no idea what other things you can do" That was the first time I heard Scarlet be smart like true smart it was not in my favor but it was smart none the less.

"fine" I did not like this one bit I had no way to get away from Scarlet "Good I might give you a reward when we get back~" When Scarlet said that it did not sit well with me at all. we swooped down to the forest and landed on the grass. scarlet started to sniff which I guess made sense.

"this way" Scarlet turned in a direction and started to walk. we started to hear voices and they were getting closer and closer. "wait a scavenger stole from Scarlet and that's when she met the Tsunami and Clay that must mean," I thought

just then we came to a clearing there were two dragons a brown one and a blue one and a scavenger. "so pretty can we keep all this" the dragons were talking about the treasure. "certainly not. unless you want to fight me for it"

"Who are you?" Tsunami said, "How can you not know that?" Scarlet said. "you're not a very good spy. Are you seawing?". "I am not a spy we've been held prisoner. kind of we just escaped," Tsunami said. "a seawing and a mudwing held prisoner? But you're not from my dungeons unless I'm getting horribly forgetful so who could you be?" scarlet said.

"Tsunami come on just give her treasure and let's go," Clay said "Here you go we don't want any trouble". "oh neither do I," Scarlet said. "ok wtf do I do I know what going to happen so do I let it play out or do I do something," I thought but while I was thinking that I must have missed several lines of dialogue because I was thrown of scarlet. "AAAAAH!" Scarlet screamed "HOW DARE YOU"

Scarlet then flew off which was not what I remembered "She must think I'm still on her back and is going to get me to safety," I thought. that's not how happened though Clay and Tsunami flew off not Scarlet. also that scavenger ran off into the trees "so he got away good for him"

I looked over to Tsunami who was looking at me "So why was there a scavenger on her back?" she said "Well excuse you tsunami I will have you no I really am a dragon pleaser either by accident or on purpose" I said while smiling

"WHAT IN THE THREE MOONS" Tsunami and Clay both screamed, "Ya ya I knew this would happen can you both calm down I can talk It's no big deal I was born like this," I said "I'm getting better at talking to dragons I guess I also help that these dragons I know a lot about in fact I know more about them then they know about their selves.

"NO BIG DEAL, CLAY IS THERE ANY RECORDS OF SCAVENGERS EVER TALKING DRAGON" Tsunami screamed "That's not a question for me that's a question for starflight," Clay said "So what do we do with him," Tsunami said "We could eat him, "Clay said "WOW so you would eat a scavenger that clearly shows some sort of intelligent," i said

"WELL, HOW ARE WE SUPPOSE TO KNOW" Tsunami screamed again "CAN YOU KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN PLEASE" I screamed back "Fine" Tsunami said "Good now i have a question to ask you sooooo" I said

"go ahead!" Clay said "ok can I like to go with you to wherever you going I don't really like Scarlet too much she literally gets off by watching me in pain," I said, "uuhh what?" tsunami was very confused I mean wouldn't you be confused if you were in her shoes.

"I don't see why not I will also ignore that other thing you said about Scarlet getting off," Clay said. "i-i mean sure," Tsunami said I was expecting more of a fight from her, to be honest. "ok great so can we get going before scarlet realizes I'm not with her please," I said

"ya clime on I guess," Clay said "Wait you can clime on my back I am stronger than Clay so," Tsunami said. "uhh ok" That was strange I did not expect to have Tsunami offer. I then climbed on her back and she took a running start jumped and started to fly.

A/N hello people Y/N has finally met the first two dragonets of destiny that only took 10 chapters. anyhoo I hope you are having a great day/night goodbye.

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