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I arive at college and go to the office to get my schedule. I walk in, "Hi I need to get my schedule and my dorm room number and building number please," I ask politely. "Yes I just need your name and school ID you shouldve got on your first day," the girl at the desk tells me.

"Oh yes sorry my name is sirius black and here's my school ID," I hand her my school ID and wait. "Here you are" she hands me 2 pieces of paper one with my schedule and the other with my dorm building and number. "Thank you" I say before I walk away.

I look at the paper with my building number on it and see I'm in building 4 and room 208. I go find the building and walk in to find my room. When I find my room I walk in and see a boy getting his stuff unpacked. He must be my roommate. "Hi I'm sirius" I tell the boy walking in. "Remus" replys the tall brown haird boy.

I go to my side of the room and unpack like remus my roommate. After a while I get finished unpacking and get hungry so I go to the canteen and use my meal swips to get a meal and some water. I go find a seat and see remus also there reading a book. I go sit next to him "hi!" I sit next to him. He jumps a bit but then replys "hi" he dosent even look up from his book.

I open the box of food I had and started eating and start talking to remus trying to get to know my roommate. "Hey what's your major" I ask him. "I major in teaching" he tells me finally looking up from his book. "That's so cool" I tell him with a smile. "What about you what do you major in" he ask me returning my smile. " cosmetology I want to be a hair stylist or tattoo artist" I tell him before taking a bite of my food. "That's actually really cool" he tells me with an excited tone that was barley there.

We end up talking for a few hours before it started to become dark and the canteen was closing so we went back tk the dorm. "Omg that's so cute" I tell remus with excitement. "Yeah I guess but it's embarrassing when you have a Welsh accent im a British school" he tells me looking a little embarrassed. "Hey if it makes you feel better I had a French accent up until I was in high school" I tell him trying to make him feel better. "Real dose it still come out when your mad like my Welsh accent" he ask. "Yeah yeah it dose" I say laughing a little.

We talk more and more as the day Goss on till we both end up getting tired. "Hey I'm gonna go to sleep" I tell remus before turning out my lamp. "Me to" he says before he dose the same.

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