family dinner

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Pov: Sirius

A few days after the call with my mom the day of the dinner comes. I get up and get ready I put on some slacks and a button up white shirt with a long coat. I text regulus,

Me: Hey I'm on my way please tell me mom and dad aren't there right now

Reggie: ok and no there not here yet but Bellatrix is

Me: ok thanks

Reggie: you're welcome

I grab my keys and head out. "Hey reamus I'm leaving I'll be back later" I say before I walk out the door. I walk out the building put my phone in my bag and walk to my motorcycle. I get on and start driving to my parents house.

I really don't want to go but I have to go to make sure regulus is ok. I hate going to these dinners they all turn out the same. It always ends with my parents nitpicking every little thing I do then my father and me getting into a fight and them taking it out on regulus.

But at least I get to see my cousins and my little brother. I arrive and I get off my bike and take my helmet off. I see narcissa pull up in her car. "Hey cissy" I say to her while I walk over to her. "Hey siri" she dose the same before we both meet and hug each other. "Omg it's been a while" she tells me letting go. "Yeah it has" I tell her as I do the same.

We talk a little more before walking in and seeing regulus getting the table ready with the help of Bellatrix. Surprisingly she's not complaining the whole time like she usually dose when she has to help set the table. I walk into the kitchen and see our chef luna cooking all the food like normal. "Hey luna" I tell her in a polite tone. "Oh hello sirius" she tells me. "I'm just gonna set this down here" I say as I set down a bottle of wine before walking back to the dinning room.

When I get into the dinning room I see my parents walk in. Great just great this is gonna be a fun night I'm definitely gonna need that wine. My parents walk over to me "sirius how is school going" the ask me in a monotone voice. "Good so far" I tell them trying not to have an attitude. "That's what I want to hear" my father says in a sort of angry but polite voice. Of course here we go the nitpicking is about to start.

We go sit down at the table. Luna brings put the food and sets it on the table. "Thank you luna" I thank her for bring out the food. She bows and gose back to the kitchen. My parents start getting food while Bellatrix and narcissa do the same. Me and regulus just look at each with a worried look just knowing how this night will go.

About an hour into dinner my parents ask me "so when are you gonna find a girlfriend" I take a sip of my wine before I reply. "I don't know I don't even know if I want a girlfriend right now" I mutter that last part under my breathe. But my father hears anyway and start yelling at me like he always dose when I do something that's not up to his standards.

"Sirius Orin black you will find a girlfriend nothing else is exceptable in this family we are the most well known family other than the potters and you will not be a disgrace to our family name" he yells at me from across the table. "Yeah like you care about the family name all you care about is controlling every aspect of my life nitpicking every little thing I do I don't want a girlfriend right now I might want a boyfriend who knows but all I know is I'm bi and you two can't accept that, I'm sorry Bellatrix narcissa and regulus but im leaving" I say as I get to go grab my keys. My dad gets up as well and walks over and grabs my arm before I can leave. "Let go of me" I say through my teeth. "No your staying through this dinner for once in your life respect your father and stay at dinner" he tells me raising his voice in an angry tone.

"Let go of me and your not my dad your just someone who helped give me life all you provide was a roof over my head clothes for me and food you never gave me the love a child needs neither of you did so let me go so I can go back home" I say as I try to yank my arm away. He tightens his grip before he slaps me across the face "your. Staying." He tells me in a screaming voice. I finally get my arm out of his grip and get my keys "and you wonder why I hate coming her" I say with tears in my eyes before I leave.

I get back to my dorm almost crying. I walk in and Remus is no where to be found. I guess that's a good thing I can cry my eyes put without someone seeing me cry. I just plop down on my bed and start crying. I can't stand my parents I hate the way they treat me and j hate the way they treat regulus. All my parents care about is my family name if I'm not up to standard for the family then I'm a disgrace but if I am up to standard it's never good enough. All I wanted when I was little was to be good enough to be black but I got older and realized I'm never good enough for my parents.

I don't hear remus come in over my crying. He stops and ask me in a very worried tone "are you ok" I look up with red puffy eyes and just break down and tell him every thing form what happened today what happened 2 days ago to what happened when I was kid.


Hey so hope you enjoyed and sorry for not updating I was in the er then I had rehearsals and I have to study but updates are gonna ve random for a while I also might do a Thanksgiving special also happy Thanksgiving and please be safe everyone

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