drunk words are sober thoughts

38 0 5

Pov: Sirius

I feel like I want to just like getting drunk. But it's like 5 in the afternoon. Maybe I can go to a club with James and Remus. "Hey remus u have a question" I sit up in my bed.

"Hm" Remus looks up from his computer. "Wanna go clubbing with me and my friends tonight" I ask. "Uh who's all going" he ask me. "Me you if you wanna go and I have to ask James but James if he says yes maybe his girlfriend Lilly" I tell him. "Sure it sounds like fun" Remus goes back to what ever he was doing on his computer.

I text James.

Me: Hey wanna go clubbing with me and my roommate later tonight and Lillys invited as well

James: hell yeah I'm down let me ask Lilly

Me: ok

James: Lilly said yes so she's coming to what time we meeting and where

Me: meet at the main entrance at 8 o'clock

James: ok we'll be there

"James said him and Lilly are coming and were meeting them at 8" I get up to chose an outfit for tonight. "Ok" he replys still working on his computer. I start digging through the bins under my bed to find the perfect outfit. "What are you doing" Remus looks at me confused.

"Looking for an outfit what else would I be doing" I keeping looking through the bins. "This early what not at like 7 when it's closer to the time we leave"  he ask in confusion. "Because I need at oeast an hour in the shower then I need an hour to do my hair then an hour to do my makeup so that's 3 hours just to get ready" I find the perfect outfit. I pull out a sparkly crop that is partly see through and a pair of sparkly stalkings a medium thigh length black skit with sparkles on it and my black Plat form boots.

(Based off this but with a skirt instead of shorts)

"Perfect I'm going to start getting ready now" I get off the floor and go to the shower room.

(Time skip cuz I'm not describing a shower scene)

I get out of the shower and change. I go back to my room to do my hair and makeup. I walk in see remus changing. "Oh my God I'm so sorry" I cover my eyes and close the door fast. Omg I can't believe I just did that I'm a fucking idiot. "You can come in now" he yells form the other side of the door. "Again I am so sorry" I tell him as I walk in. "It's ok really" he reassures me.

"Also how do a I look" he ask me refuring to his outfit. "Baisc" I say going and digging through his clothes. "Woah thanks for sparing my feelings" he scoffs. "Well you do and im not letting you do that to yourself especially since we're going to a club" I tell him pulling out a shirt and a pair of pants from his drawer.

"Here" I hand him a green and black button up and a pair of black slacks.

(This is remus's outfit)

"Now go change because we don't have a lot of time" I walk over to my shelves and get my hair products. "We have 2 hours calm down" he walks to the door. "That's not a lot of time for me I still need to do my hair and makeup" I start putting mose in my hair. Remus walks out to go change and I start doing my hair.

I put some of my hair in pig-tails in the back and braid my bangs.

(Like this)

Remus comes back in while I'm doing my makeup. "Better" he ask me again. "Still basic but not as bad but your a pretty basic person so can't complain" I tease him a little bit. "Or you just a really dramatic person when it comes to outfits" he teases back.  I laugh a little before continuing to do my makeup. I do a pretty basic look nothing to crazy. Just a simple smokey eye with a bold eye liner and a neural lip.

(Like this)

"Ok I'm done" I grab my bag. "About time it's almost 8 we need to hurry" he grabs his key to the dorm. "Ok ok I'm going" we go out to the main entrance and meet James and Lilly.

________at the club_____________

"Ok so I'm going to go get drinks" James tells us. "Oo I'll come with" I tell him. "What dose everyone want" James ask. "Vodka soda please" that's lillys go to. "Um gin and tonic for me" Remus is a basic person like I said. "Ok we'll be back" me and James go to get the drinks.

"Hi can I get to vodka sodas one gin and tonic and a martini please and keep the tab open" I hand the bartender my card before he gose to make the drinks. The bartender comes back with the drinks and hands them to me and James. "Were back" I say in a singy tone. "Here Lilly" James hands her the drink. I hand remus his drink and start drinking mine.

My favorite song comes on G.U.Y by lady gaga. "Oh my God this is my song" I go to the dance floor and start dancing. Remus James and Lilly follow me. We all start dancing till I stop to go get another drink. I walk over to the bar and order me another drink and go back to dancing. This continues for a few hours we only stop dancing when we need and another drink. "Oh my God James did you see that guy" I yell to James cuz the music's loud. "Yeah he's totally your type" James yells back.

"Should I got talk to him" I ask.  "Totally shot your shot" James replys. I finish off my drink and walk over to the guy. "Hi I'm sirius" I introduce myself. "Marcus" he dose the same. "You here with anyone" I ask. "Just my friends you" he ask me. "Same let me buy you a drink" I offer. "Sure" he follows me to the bar. "Another for me and you" I ask Marcus. "Gin and tonic" he tells the bartender.

"So how's your night going so far" he ask me. "Fun and you" I do the same. "Boring I mean all my friends are here with there girl friends and I'm the only single one" he looks me up and down. "Oh your single" I tilt my head a little bit. "Yeah you" he ask intrigued. "Same single" I tell him with a smile. "Oh that's nice to know" he tells me returning my smile.

Me and Marcus are talking till James and Lilly tell me remus is sick. "Sorry I have to go" I apologize before following James and Lilly. We get to the bath room and I go in. "Remus honey are you alright" I walk into the stall he's in and see him puking. "You drank to much didn't you" I get down on my knees and wip his face with a napkin. He just nods.

He looks like a sad puppy. It's kinda cute. "You know I really never get drunk like this" he looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Really I don't think I've seen you drink at all" I rub his back trying to help him feel a little better even though I know it won't do anything. "Yeah I drink but I usually only have one or two" he starts to slur his words a little.

He starts puking again. When he sits back up I wip his face again. "You know your like perfect" Remus slurs out. "I am now" I smile. "Yeah your pretty smart rich and your kind your perfect" he looks at me. "Well thank you" I look through my bag for my emergency mini water I keep with me. "Yeah your like totally my type" he slurs again. "I am now" I'm shocked I never knew I was his type. "I'd totally date you" he slurs. "Here drink this" I hand him the water. "I kinda wanna kiss you" he laughs. "Remus your drunk drink the water please" I push his hand towards him.

"Fine" he starts to drink the water. "Can I have a hig please" moves closer towards me. "Yes you can" I hug him. "See your really nice and you smell good" he hugs me back tightly. "Yeah I do" I laugh a little. He's funny drunk.  He pukes a few more times and drinks some more water before we walk out. He's still pretty drunk but not as drunk as he was. "I'm gonna take him home" I tell James and Lilly. "Ok be safe getting home" they tell us before getting in there uber.

I call us an Uber. "Hi for sirius" I ask the Uber driver. "Yes" the Uber driver tells me. Me and Remus get in and the Uber starts going back to the dorms. Remus hugs me again and I just let him hug. "You know your really clingy when your drunk" I tell him. He mumbles something I can't hear.


We get back to the dorm building and i help remus inside. "Here we go" I say as I open the door to the dorm. I help remus to his bed and he lays down. I plop down on my bed. Oh my God remus just basically told me he thinks I'm perfect and would totally date me. I repeate to myself as the realization sets in.

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