My mother

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Pov: Remus

I'm only half awake when I here sirius get up. I end up getting up to and looking at my laptop to see the notes the professor posted. Sirius is sitting on the floor while getting ready when his phone rings and he answers it.

He has his phone on speaker while he's doing his make up. I here him mention he has a little brother. "You have a brother" I say shocked. "Yeah why" he replys back. "How come I never knew" I say. "Because we've only been here a couple weeks and it never came up" he says calmly. "I guess so" I get a text on my phone.

I see the text is from my mom.

Mom: remus me and your father are going to come see you tomorrow so please be ready

Me: mom I told you if he comes I not coming to see you because that man is not father

Mom: remus please just do it

Me: no I'm not if comes

I text before I put my phone down and get some clothes ready to change into. I hear sirius and his brother getting into an argument. I hear sirius hang up on his little brother while I go to the bath room and change. I walk out of the bath room and walk out the door to go hang out with my friend Mary.

I go to the arcade with my friend Mary and we end up play games for a couple hours till we get hungry and get some food. "Omg that was so fun we need to do this more often" Mary tells me while getting some soda in her cup. "Yeah we really should" I tell her while doing the same.

We go sit down at a table while we wait for our food. "Hey rem can I ask you a question" she ask me. "Yeah sure shoot" I tell her. "Do you think I'm pretty like ik you don't like me but like I can't seem to find while people don't ask me out and I want to know if I'm not pretty or what" she tells me. "Yes I do think your pretty but maybe people don't ask you out because they think you have an rbf" I tell her before getting up to go grab the food.

"Maybe" she tells me when I come sit back down. We talk for a few more hours while we eat before we get done and go play some more games. We go play a shooting game. "I'm gonna win" Mary tells me Picking up the fake gun. "Im your dreams" I tell her as I do the same. The game starts and we both start off really good but I get a few more kills then she dose and end up winning. "Damn it I thought I was getting better at thus game" she tells me in a joking tone. "Yeah you were better but im still just super good at this game" I tell her with the same joking tone.

I get back to the dorm and see sirius sniffling with puffy eyes. "Hey are you alright" I ask concerned. "Yeah I'm fine just a little home sick" he tells me. I can tell he's lying but I don't want to pry. "Ok" I reply.

After a while his phone starts ringing again and he walks out side to answer it. I hear sirius talking I'm French. I think it's nothing so I just get on my computer and watch a movie. I continue hearing sirius yell in French but it's keeps getting louder and louder.

I continue playing on my laptop. After about 20 minutes I hear sirius hang up the phone and take a breathe before walking in. "Hey you ok" I ask him. "Yeah I'm fine" he tells me. "You know I'm here if you need to talk ok" I tell him. "Yeah I know" he tells me before he lays down on his bed.

I get another text from my mom and see she's just trying to tell me she's coming with my father to see me. I love my mom but I hate my dad he almost let me be killed and mom just dosent care about that I almost died because of that man. I hate him and I won't see my mom if he comes with her and she knows this. She just has to bring him or else he'll threaten me which I don't really care.

I look and my phone again and see it's a call from my dad. I walk out and pick up the phone. "beth wyt ti eisiau" I tell him in Welsh. "Rwy'n dod i'ch gweld gyda'ch mam a byddwch yn dod i'n gweld ni waeth a ydych yn ei hoffi ai peidio" he yells in Welsh. "na wnaf a'm dorm a'm coleg ydyw felly os nad ydych yn ei hoffi yna peidiwch â dod neu byddaf yn cael eich hebrwng oddi ar y campws gan swyddogion diogelwch" I yell back in Welsh before I walk put side of the dorm building and scream.

I walk back in and go lay down on my bed and put my head phones in. I put my music on and stare at the ceiling. I just hate my father he's not my dad he's not even a father he's just a guy who's DNA is inside me he's not nothing but some DNA to me. I absolutely hate being around him he always attacks like every thing is fine when it's not. He almost got me killed and I still don't see how my mom forgave him after he almost killed me. I don't want to be around and I won't hesitate to have him arrested. My mom thinks that just by us being around each other then everything will be magically fine when it won't be I hate him and he hates me.

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