
86 1 3

Pov: Sirius

After a few days of getting settled into my dorm it comes time for classes to start. I get ready and put on a white button up shirt with some black slacks and a black corset. (Aouthers note: some like a Victorian style)

I get my keys and put my hair in a ponytail. I walk out of the building and walk to my motorcycle and start doing to my classes. I get to the main campus and see I gave about an hour before my class starts. I end up going to a Cafe and getting a coffee and reading a book.

After a while I check my phone again and see I have a text from my brother regulus.

Reggie: sirius do you know were that coffee shop is that we always would get before school

Me: yeah the address is ***** party street

Reggie: thank you siri

Me: your welcome

I look at the time and see my classes are about to start in 20 minutes so I grab my coffee keys helmet and head put to my motorcycle and drive to the main campus. I get there and have 5 minutes to spare and see my best friend James. I go up to him and talk to him for a few minutes. "Hey James" I walk over to him. "Oh hey sirius" he stops. "Whats wrong" i aks in a concerned voice.

"Nothing I just don't have time to talk sorry" he tells me before he walks in to the building he needs to go to. I walk to the building I need to go to and find my class. When I find the lecture hall I need to be in a go and find a seat at the back of the lecture hall and sit down and get out my computer to take notes on.

After a while I check my phone and see a text from regulus.

Reggie: 911


Reggie: I see my crush what do I do

Sirius: jeaus christ regulus I though something bad happened

Reggie: what do I do

Me: just go talk to him and don't make a fool out of yourself simple

Reggie: ok thank you and sorry didn't mean to scare you

Me: you're welcome and it's fine

I put my phone down and see that the class is over. I get my stuff together and walk out of the lecture and hall and see that was the only class I have till 3 pm so I go back to my dorm. When I get to my dorm I see remus there still sleeping so I walk in quietly and lay down on my bed.

I wake up to my alarm going off and see the tim it's 2:00 pm so I get up and get ready for my last class of the day. I fix my hair change and do my make up. The outfit I change into is a queen t-shirt and some ripped jeans and a pair of doc Martin's do just some natural make up and put my hair in a bun and drive back to the main campus.

I get to my second class which is my skills class were they teach us how to cut hair dye it etc. I get there and see I'm early to the class. The professor says to go find a styling chair with a mannequin head in. The whole class gets there and we start. I get assigned a simple trem and some bangs and the professor shows us how to do it and we start. About 2 and a half hours after we start I get done and the professor says it looks good and I get the rest of the day off since it's my last class of the day. I get my stuff together and go back to my dorm and see remus there on his computer studying. "Hi" I say in a polite tone. "Hey" he dose the same. "How were your classes" he ask me. "Good what about yours" I ask him. "Good" he replys going back to his work. I go and put my stuff up and take my make-up off then go lay down on my bed and go to sleep.

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