confession (pt: 1)

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Pov: Remus

A few days after my horrible hang over I decide to tell Mary about what I'm feeling. "Ok so you basically told your roommate aka your best friend that you thought he was perfect and would totally date him and he's like your type" Mary says while trying not to laugh. "Yeah" I say embarrassed. "Ok so what I'm getting is that you like him and you just won't admit your feelings because your scared of getting hurt like in high school" she pulls out her mirror and touches up her lipstick.

"Ok frist I don't like him and second I'm not scared of getting hurt again" I eat some of my chocolate. "Yeah sure that's why when anyone you ever had a crush on who asked you out you turned down" she scoffs. "Ok maybe I am scared but that's only because Allie broke my heart" I don't want to tell Mary about Allie even though she already knows but it still hurts.

"Yes I know Allie broke your heart I was there to build you back up again when she did it took a lot of chocolate, tissues, and reassurens" Mary tells me. "Yeah but she broke my trust I thought we were perfect but she cheated on me with my best friend at the time then she lied and told me not to worry about her cheating because she loved me and she would never cheat on me" I don't hate her but if she didn't love me she could of at least told me she didn't love me.

"Yeah but she was just a stuck up rich bitch who's only caple of loving herself and even then she dosent even live her self" Mary smiles at me. Mary has the prettiest smile and always knows what to say to make me feel better. "Yeah but still it hurt like she could of at least told me she didn't love me anymore you know" I hand Mary a pice of chocolate.

"You know she was only with you because you made her look good, right" Mary takes the chocolate. "Really" I'm shocked. "Yeah you're good looking and she is to so you to made the perfect couple well looks wise" Mary says with a mouth full.

"So she really only cared about her reputation" I can't believe this. "Yep" Mary says. "But back to our original conversation ypu totally like sirius it's so obvious" Mary teases. "I do like I said he's just a friend" I playfully push. She falls off my bed. "Oh shit you ok" I grab her hand to help pull her up. She takes my hand and pulls me off my bed. "Yeah I am now" she laughs.

I laugh with her. "Ok but actually are you ok" I asl her. "I'm fine you ok" she dose the same. "Yeah I'm fine" I say as I get up. I help Mary up and we sit back on my bed. "Back to our conversation you told him you'd date him he's your type he has a good personality and he likes you" Mary starts listing reasons why I like him.

"Ok but like-" Mary cuts me off. "No buts you like him there's no doubt about it and you won't admit it because your scared of getting hurt again and as much as I love you because yous my best friend you need to suck it up and admit it because if you don't your just gonna end up hurting yourself and i can't let you do that to yourself because I have to much respect for you so suck it up and admit you have feelings for sirius" Mary uncovers my mouth after she gets done.

I mean all these things are true do I really like sirius. I mean I've thought of it at times but is it true. Like he's kind, smart good looking, good with people, good with animals, and he has good style. We're close have a good relationship and we could work. But what if I get hurt again. Like what if he breaks my heart like Allie did it would be super awkward since we share a dorm.

"But what if it dose work" Mary leans towards me. "What how'd you kn-" Mary cuts me off again. "Know what you were thinking because I always know what your thinking especially when it comes to relationships and you always mouth your words when you think" Mary tells me. "I gotta stop doing that but I think I do like sirius" I finally admit. "FINALLY" Mary yells. "Oh my God be quite these walls are paper thin and I don't need a noise complaint"

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