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When I get to school I get my schedule cuz I've already done my dorm tour. I get my stuff then walk to my dorm to unpack all my stuff and decorate a little.

When I get to my dorm I don't see any stuff in the room so I assume my roommate hasn't arrived yet. I start unpacking all my stuff when I notice a short boy with curly black hair walk into the room.

"Hi" he says to me with excitement. "Hi" I reply in a monotone voice. "I'm sirius black" he tells me putting his stuff down on his bed. "Remus" I reply setting my lamp down.

I get done unpacking while my roommate sirius is still unpacking. While he's still unpacking I leave the room and go out to find a quite place to read. After a while of looking for a place to read I can't find one so I decide to just sit in the canteen and read.

After about and hour of reading I notice sirius sits down next to me. He starts to talk to me "what's your major" he ask me before he starts eating. "Teaching" I reply not even looking up from my book. "That's so cool" he says to me with a little excitement. "Whats your major" I ask him finally looking up from my book.

"cosmetics I want to be a hair stylist or a tattoo artist" he replys before he starts eating again. After a while we keep talking. After a few hours the canteen starts to close so we go back to our dorm.

We keep talking back at our dorm. After more hours of just talking about what ever it starts to get dark. "Hey I'm gonna go to sleep" he tells me before turning his lamp off. "Yeah me to" I say before I do the same and go to sleep.

Roommates (Wolf Star)Where stories live. Discover now