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Author: yall I'm sorry I'm late I was so busy yesterday and I was gonna update but I forgot I'm sorry. ok now let's get on with the story.

Pov: Remus

I hear my roommate sirius getting ready for classes and I just go back to sleep till my alarm gose off. My alarm gose off around 1:00 pm and I get up and get ready. I put an over sized jumper on with some dark jeans and sneakers. I grab my stuff and gear to the canteen for some food before my classes start.

When I get to the canteen there's not a lot of people but I go and grab a cup of coffee and a bagle with turkey lettuce tomato and mayo. I go sit down and eat while drinking my coffee and reading my book.

I get done and get my stuff together since it's time to go to my lecture of the day. I get to my lecture about 10 minutes early and go find a seat in the back and see sirius there. I don't go talk to him but I look at him and he dosent notice me. I end up just getting my stuff out and taking notes till the class is over. The professor is really boring it's an 80 year old man who's talking about quantum physics.

The lecture ends and I get my stuff together and go talk to my friend Alice before I have to go back to my dorm room. Me and Alice end up going to a coffee shop about 15 minutes away from the school. We get there and I get a black coffee while she gets a Chai latte.

We talk for a bit till we get to a conversation about people we like. Alice ask me, "so do you like any one at school." "No actually I don't I mean my roommates pretty cute but not really my type and no I don't like him just think he's cute is all," I drink my coffee. "Really no one," she whines. "No one," I reply back in the same whiny voice.

We end up getting tired and we both decided to go back to our dorms. "By Alice," I say before walking to my car. "By rem," she says before she dose the same. I get in my car and just sit there for a minute before putting on some music. I start driving back to my dorm.

When I get to my dorm I get out my computer and starting looking over the notes from the lecture earlier. After a few hours I get tired and just start watching videos on my laptop. I end up watching Netflix for a while.

After a few episodes of my favorite show I go back to looking over my notes. I sort my notes from most important to lest important and highlight important stuff. I get finished sorting and highlighting my notes and I see sotius walk in.

She walks in and puts his stuff down on his bed before saying "hi" to me. I reply back,"hey," I say before I go back to looking over my notes. He takes his makeup and stuff before he lays down and gose to sleep. I continue looking over my notes and stuff before I get a text.

Mom: Hey remus honey how are you?

Me: Good why?

Mom: Because me and your father are coming to see you

Me: Why him plus he's not my dad you know this

Mom: remus please honey it's just for a few days

Me: I'm fine with you But if he comes I'm not seeing either or you

I shut my phone off before my mom can reply and just lay down while looking at the ceiling. I love my mom but my dad is a piece of work. I end up putting in my head phones and listing to music. After a while I end up falling asleep.


Yes I know canonly remus's mom is dead but for the stack of the fic let's just say she's alive

Also q and a tomorrow so leave questions for me or the fan fic also no personal questions about me please

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