my parents

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Pov: Remus

My mom texted and told me it was just her coming to see me. I texted back saying ok and what time we should meet up and where we should meet up. The time comes for me and my mother to meet and sirius is already going out. "Hey remus I'm leaving bye" he tells me before he walks out the door.

I get ready and go meet up with my mom. I can't wait To her I haven't seen her in a few weeks cuz I've been at college but she came to visit me. I get to the dinner and walk in. I see my mom and walk over and hug her. "Mom I missed you so much" I tell her whole higging her. "I've missed you to" she tells before she pulls away from the hug.

"Hey so I couldn't find our waitress" I hear a familiar voice say. I look to see who it is and surely wlenough its my dad. Great this is going to be fun eating with the one person I love most in the world and the one person I hate most. "Hi" I say through my teeth. "Remus hi you've grown so much" he tells me trying to hug me. I move out of the way of his hug "Yeah that'd what happens when you miss 4 years of your kids life" I mutter to myself. My mother hears and shots me a stare.

We all go take a seat and order food. I order a breakfast plate my mom orders the same as me and my father orders pancakes like he did when I was little before he almost let me get killed. "So how's school going" my father ask me. "Fine" I reply in a angry tone. "Do you have a girlfriend yet" he ask me all jokly. "No have you got a therapist yet for your temper" I ask. "Remus be kind please" my mother tells me. "Why he almost had me killed then left us for 4 years why should I be polite" I tell my mother angerly. "Because in dad you should respect me" my father tells me. I laugh a little at his comment before I reply "your not my dad you never were your just some guy who never cared about me and I'm done with this" I say as I grab my coat. "I'm sorry mom I just can't be in the same room as him with it Turing into a complete disaster" I say before a I walk out.

I got just drive around for a little while. God I hate that man he never really cared about me he only just pretends to care. I wish he would just leave me alone I'm going to end up going nuts one day because of him. I drive around for a few more hours till I get hungry and go get some food. I go and get a burger from a local place and eat while I read to take my mind off what just happened at brunch with my father.

I get done eating and put my book in my bag and head back to my car. I text my friend Alice.

Me: Hey Alice can I come over for a bit

Alice: uh sure why

Me: because I need a distraction from what went down with my father today at brunch

Alice: ok meet me at our usual hang spot

Me: ok thanks

Alice: no problem

I drive to our usual spot which is just a little place in a park that not a lot of people go to. I get there and get out I meet Alice. "Hey" I say to her. "Hey rem" she says me before she hugs me. "Whats the hug for" I ask her since she dosent usually hug people. "Because of what happened today" she tells me. I hug her back for a moment then pull away. We end up just taking a walk and talking for a few hours.

"This is nice just talking to a friend while you take a walk" she tells me. "Yeah it really is isn't it" I reply back to her. We continue walking a little more before the sun is setting. Once the sun starts to set we say our good byes and we both head back to our dorms. I go to canteen before it closes because they have cupcakes and I grab a cupcake before I head back to my dorm. Once I got my cupcake I head back to my dorm.

When I walk in I see sirius crying on his bed. "Are you ok" I say in a concerned voice. He looks up and he has red puffy eyes he looks like he's been crying for hours. "To be honest no ik really not" he tells me. I walk over to him and ask "want to talk about." He just breaks down and tells me everything about his family why he chose this college why he's crying. And he just continues crying while telling me.

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