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Pov: Sirius

I hear my alarm go off I groan and get out of bed remus is already up and getting ready. I get some clothes together something simple just my matching hoddie that I have with my brother regulus a pair of jeans and my sneakers. I go to the bath room and change I walk out and get my skin care and start doing my skin care.

I hear my phone start ringing and see the caller is regulus I put the phone on speaker, "Hi Reggie" I say as I put my mostiruser on. "When will ypu stop calling me Reggie siri" he ask me. "When you're married and I'm old" I tell him in an annoying tone. "Who's that sirius" Remus ask me while he puts his laptop in his bag. "My little brother" I tell him before I put my face mask on. "I didn't know you had a brother" he tells me. "Yeah well we've only been here like 3 weeks and it never really came up" I tell him. "SRIUIS" regulus yells through the phone. "WHAT" I yell back. "Ok now that I have your attention again cissy and Vella want to have dinner with us mom and dad" he tells me. "Oh no no no I'll have dinner with Bella and cissy but not mom and dad" I tell him. "Please siri I'll even let you do my hair for the next month if you come I don't want to deal with them alone please please please" he pleads.

"Regulus no I'm not going to dinner with mom and dad" I tell him in a serious voice. "Look this is me begging aren't I cute when I beg please just come you don't even have to stay the whole time just come to dinner then leave" he pleads again. "Reggie I don't care how much you beg and beg I'm not going end of discussion" I say while taking my face mask off. "Fine but if mom or dad's calls you just know I warned you" he tells me before hanging up. I get up off my bed again and apologize to remus, "sorry didn't mean for you to hear that regulus can be a bit hot headed." "Oh I get that I'm the same way and it's fine don't worry about it," he tells me before walking put of the door.

I lay on my bed looking at the ceiling contemplating going to dinner because of regulus. I don't go to the dinners because of my parents I chose this college to get away from them but still be close enough to my home town so incase regulus needs me im still close by but it only works on one of those terms. I can't seem to get away from my parents.

I don't like them I hate them they're terrible people. They neglected me and regulus on several occasions and they hate me cuz of my sexuality. They're homophopic pieces of shit they're terrible people and I just hate them but I still have to be in contact with them because of regulus. I love my brother and his the only reason I still have any thing to do with the people who claim to be my parents.

I end up crying for a couple of hours till my eyes are red and puffy. And after a while I hear remus come back I stop crying and just sit on my bed as he comes in and puts his stuff down. He looks over at me and ask me a question, "hey are you alright I heard you crying before I came in" I loom up and reply "Yeah I'm fine just missing home is all" I say adding a little chuckle. "You sure" he ask me in a concerned voice. "Yes really nothing is wrong I'm just a little home sick" well its only a half lie. "Ok" he says a little unsure of my answer. A few hours pass by and I hear my phone go off and and I see it's my mom calling I go put side and answer it. "Sirius Black, tu viens à ce dîner demain, que ça te plaise ou non" she yells to me in French. "oui, je sais, maman est malade, il est là vers 6 ou 7 heures" I reply back trying not to make her more mad. "bien parce que tu es père et j'ai quelqu'un de marié comme toi à rencontrer" she tells me in French. "MAMAN S'IL VOUS PLAIT, PAS UN AUTRE MARIAGE ARANGER, JE NE VEUX PAS MSRRY QUELQU'UN QUE VOUS AVEZ CHOISI, CELA DEVRAIT ÊTRE MON CHOISI" I yell and pleed in French.

We contuie yelling back and forth in French for a good 20 minutes till finally I hang up on her so the argument dosent get more heated. I go back inside the dorm and sit on my bed. "Are you ok" Remus ask me. "Yeah I'm fine" I tell him eith tears in my eyes. "You know I'm here if you every need to talk alright" he tells me in soft concerned voice. "Thanks" I tell him before I lay down on my bed.

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