the talk

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Author: Ahh I'm so sorry for not posting I've just been getting ready for my both my companions coming and just haven't had time I also have my mock finals coming up so I've been super busy again I'm so sorry but let's get into the story

Pov: Remus

It's been lonely with out sirius here. He's been staying with regulus for the past couple days. I've tried texting him but he's just leaving me on read and I've been stalking his Instagram yes it's crazy I know but I'm worried about him he's not posting on Instagram he's not responding to my text. I feel like shit not being able to talk to him explain anything and again yes I know it's not my fault Ali did what she did but I can't but feel as if it is my fault.

She hurt sirius because of me. She wanted to ruin my relationship to get back at me she just wanted to be a complete bitch. I hear my phone go off and check it to see a text from sirius.

Sirius: let's talk meet me at my brother's place in an hour

Me: ok yeah I'll be there

I set my phone down on the table. He wants to talk I'm glad. I want to talk to him I need to explain why she did it. I want to comfort him as well. And I know it's not going to help with the pain she caused but I have to try.


I get to regulus's apartment and knock on the door. "Hey" regulus says in a slightly annoyed tone. "Reg it's fine" I hear sirius say. Regulus opens the door fully to let me in. I walk in and see sirius sitting on the couch. Regulus gives me a look before he walks away.

"Hey..." I say nervously.

"Hey" sirius says back.

Silence falls over us neither of us knowing what to say. Till sirius finally decides to speak. "I'm sorry for not responding I just needed time to I don't know cool off think I really don't know all I know is I needed time" he tells me. "I'm sorry to I'm sorry Ali did what she did to get back at me and it hurt you in the process and I understand you needed time" I tell him.

"But still how did she even find out" he ask me. "I guess she saw us walking out of the bathroom together" I tell him. He looks away. "I missed you" I say hesitantly. "I misses you to" he says in almost a whisper. I walk over to him and pull him into a hug. He hugs me back and we just stay like that for a few minutes taking in the moment.

He pulls away frist and I follow. He looks over towards the kitchen before he says, "regulus stop eavesdropping." "Wait how'd you know he was listening" I whisper. "I know his every move plus he's noisy" he laughs. God I've missed his laugh.

"I'll go back in a day or two still need to clear a few things up plus I want to go to the race track and get a few laps in before I go home" he gets up off the couch. "Wait race track" I ask in shock. "Yeah my parents own a race track specialty for motorcycles were do you think I learned how to ride" he tells me. "I don't know I guess I just thought you were self taught" I shurg.

"Yeah I just go to blow off steam or like calm down when I'm upset" he starts walking away. I follow him. "You ever did a professional race" I ask still following him. "No I haven't my parents don't let me or anyone else in our family race strictly the actual racers like Daniel Leon" he goes into a room and I follow. "Wait Daniel Leon" I ask shocked again.

"Yep he's actually quite a rude person vs how he acts in interviews" he looks back at me. "Also when are you gonna stop following me around like a lost little kid" he rolls his eyes then smiles. "Sorry" I tell him. "But is he really that different" I ask. "Yep I've had the displeasure of meeting him more than once" he tells me.

"He can't be that bad can he" I ask. "Think of the worst man alive combined with the best lying man alive and that's Daniel" he says. "Damn so he really is that bad" I say a little shocked. "Yeah he's rude dosent know what personal space is hates almost every thing and did I mention rude" he says a little angry. "Yes you did and you shouldn't get so angry" I place my hand on his shoulder. "I know but he's just-" I cut him off.

"Gets on your nerves you hate him he's to arrogant a totally dick" I tell him. "I was gonna say he's a total pice of work but yeah those work to" he smiles. "Yeah from what you told me that about sums it up but is he even a good racer" I ask. "Amazing racer" he tells me.

"But I have the pleasure of meeting with him this week at a charity gala" he rolls his eyes again. "You can't just not go" I ask. "Not an option my parents expect me to be there and if I'm not there they'll be pissed but I do get to bring a date you want to come it'll be more fun that way" he begs. "I don't know I don't have a suit plus I don't want this to be the frist time I Meer your parents" I say nervously.

"Don't worry about the suit we'll get you one and my parents don't worry about them and you'll make this so much more fun please please please come" he begs again. "Ok" I finally agree. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" he thanks me excidly.

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