Chapter 2

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"Her name is Jasmine Black and apparently she seems to be related to you Mr. Jacob Black." Carlisle said setting the folder on the table.

"Wait wait wait, I don't know where you got this from but last time I checked I don't have a little sister." I said leaning up in my seat.

"I got this from your family private records and it seems you need to have a talk with your father about this." Carlisle said I was hesitant about picking up the folder but instead Rosalie beat me to it and opened the folder.


I got home and saw my dad reading the newspaper, I slapped the manila folder on the table and he set his paper down.

"Hello son, what's this?" He said looking at the folder.

"Open it and find out." I said bluntly. He opened it and rubbed his hands across his face and let out a breathe of air.


"No tell me the whole truth and please tell me now who is she!" He looked at me and let another breathe of air out then began speaking.

"Yes this is your sister but listen, this is what happened when your sister was born she wasn't like you she was different, she was wonderful little girl she was actually considered a fairy, Everyone loved her you were her protecter you loved her the most I don't why you didn't bring her up in the past but I guess you had other things on your mind, but she never used her powers till that night. She was 5 years old and you and I was in town while she was here she was with are great cousin Berlin they were having a girls day because Berlin insisted so I agreed, what a stupid concept. She wanted to make a bonfire so they went in the forest deep in the forest but Berlin forgot to bring something to light the wood with so she told Jasmine to use her powers but Jasmine denied because she had no control over it so Berlin told her it will be fine of course Jasmine agreed then she end up burning the wood but she couldn't stop it she kept burning other things sooner or later she stopped but Berlin got mad and yelled at her and hit her to where she ran away and never came back we never heard from her or Berlin ever again and that's why we don't speak of her because of the sad memories. We tried looking for her but it was no use." He said wiping away the tears from his eyes. I got up and left the house I changed into my wolf formation and ran off.


I was walking on top of this tree branch thinking back to when that guy was looking at me what's his problem giving me the lovey dovey eye, chill. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard people talking.

"Yea he went missing and we searched all the grounds the Cullen's even help look but no luck." One wolf thought. Soon one of the vampires came.

"We're having a meeting at our house and we would like for you guys to come." The black wolf nodded his head and they took off following him.


"Jacob recently found out that she was indeed his sister if you didn't know and she is dangerous to us and everyone else" I said walking around.

"Yea we know all about that but what are we going to do about my brother." Leah said.

"Yea he just disappeared." Jared concluded. I didn't want it to come to this but I guess I have to.

"We need to get her on our side so we can talk to her." I looked at everyone and they nodded in agreement.


It was quiet no one made any noise the wolves were on their side and so were we. We couldn't cross there land and same goes for us, plus it will be easier for all of us. We stood our ground waiting for Alice's signal. We had to still get Victoria plus Jasmine, this was going to be hard.

"On your left!"


This girl with red hair was chasing me but she couldn't keep up with me. Soon I ran into four wolves one scrapped my hand really bad and it hurt but I kept running once I turned around I saw the vampire and wolf at each others necks while the vampire was soaking wet. I turned around and was on the ground covered by a big gray wolf she had her paw on my chest and it hurt really bad.

"Aaaahhhhh stop it hurts." I yelled in pain. I heard her thoughts and she was screaming at my.

"Where is my brother."She yelled

"I don't know he ran off when he gave me this weird look." I thought back.She lifted up and I sat up but got slammed right back to the ground by another wolf. I felt tears come down but the pain stopped when his paw got off me I looked over and the same wolf that gave me the lovey dovey eye tackled the other wolf down and started growling at the rest.

"Seth imprinted." Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

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