Chapter twenty three

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A month later the end of the schoolyear came. Y/n was standing in front of Hibari in his office. They were preparing for the official appeal on the gym hall, where Y/n would be announced to take over the Disciplinary Committee.

-The main pager and the keys to the office are now yours. - he said. - Congratulations Capitain Y/n.

-Thanks. - Y/n nodded, taking the pager and the keys.

He returned the pager he used for the past year and his old badge. The Capitain badge was supposed to begiven to him in few minutes in front of the whole school. They locked the office and left to the gym hall, where everyone were gathered. All the teachers and students were gathered there. The Principal gave the diplomas to the seniors who were graduating that day. Then it was time for the Disciplinary Committee. Hibari took the microphone from the Principal, then he spoke up.

-Dear comrades, dear students and dear teachers of the Rakuzan High. - he started. - For the past three years I was the Capitain of the Disciplinary Committee, doing all I could to keep the peace and quiet around here. Whether I did a good job, or not, that's up to you all to decide, but today, I am leaving the school walls with other seniors. - he took his badge off. - Today I leave the school, you, and the Committee in good hands, that's something I'm sure of. Lieutenant Y/n, please step forward. - he said, Y/n followed the last order of Hibari Kyoya. - From today on you are in charge. - he gave the badge to Y/n. Y/n put it on his right shoulder, before he took the microphone from him.

-Thank you Captain for the trust you showed me on the day I landed in your office for the first time. - he said, with a small smile on his face. Some students chuckled at his words, though they calmed down soon. - Today we are saying goodbye to you and twenty other members of the Committee, including the five, that were my personal team. I also want to thank you for patience with me and trust in my judgement. Work with you was both educating and entertaining. I wish all of you all the best. - twenty former members of the Committee responded to him with a loud "thank you", then Y/n announced next steps. - Since our Committee is smaller by twenty one members today, I will recruit new people during the first week of the next school year. I have few candidates already, but whoever wants to join us, please apply in the secretary office. That's all, thank you.

The Disciplinary Committee saluted Y/n, while he gave the microphone back to the Principal. After the final hugs with his formal team, Y/n went up to his girlfriend, who was announces as the student of the year by the Principal earlier.

-Congrats Mouse. - he said and kissed her cheek.

-Congratulations to you too Kitty. -Vergilia smiled. - Even though I knew you will be the next Captain, I can't help but to be proud of you.

-Thank you. - Y/n smiled, not really knowing what to say.

-You handled the speech so well too. -she praised, hugging him tight. Y/n squeezed her in his arms as well.

-You're making me blush. - he said, making her laugh. "And I love it when she laughs so carelessly" he thought.

They met up with Dante, Seijurou, Lady and few of their classmates in the pizzeria to celebrate the end of the school year. The basketball team was supposed to join them as well. They arrived just in time to make their orders. Once the drinks were brought in, Dante called for a toast.

-We all passed the finals, we all moved up in our classes. - he said. - Let's drink to all the best in the next school year and great summer break!

Others raised their glasses and drank some of the sodas that they ordered. They ate the delicious pizza and talked about their plans for summer. Y/n didn't have any particular ones, he assumed he would be forced to find a part-time job, like in previous years.

-I have something for you. - Vergilia told him, when he walked her back home. - Actually it's from Dante and our parents as well. - she added and handed him an envelope.

-What's that? - Y/n asked, examining it.

-Open and find out. - Vergilia smiled. She couldn't wait to see Y/n's reaction. He opened the envelope. Inside he found a flight ticket to France. - We invite you for vacation with us.

-I'm in. - he said shortly, nothing would stop him from taking that opportunity.

-That's great. - she smiled, happy. She hugged her boyfriend. - You need to take some rest.

-It will be a great rest, especially that you will be there with me. - he said and kissed her lips.  

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