Just, Why?

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Ray's POV







Streamers popped and whistles were blown, the crowd in Town Square went wild, snogging, smoking, screaming, dancing, everything. It was deafening. My heart raced as my mother gave me this look that I couldn't read. Was I meant to be able to read it? I don't know.

This past year has been one ride. School, Band, My Chemical Romance, Tour, Toasters, Love, Rape, Beaten, Bullet, Shot, Suicide, Realization, New Year.

2012 is now reality. 00:05, the clock reads. And I have to suck in a breath. Frank's out, Mikey's out and Gerard's out. Everyone is okay. That's good news. But there are still problems that need to be solved.

Frank's mother is a horrible homophobic, Donald has been yelled at by his youngest son, Donna has been striked down to the Earth when she found out both of her boys are gay and Gerard isn't a virgin. It's a tough game now.

My family don't know I'm gay. They will though. I'll tell them when everything calmd down. Donna will get over it and Donald will just go back to screaming at Gerard. Frank's mum however might not change, but we all know Frank is strong enough to rebel his mother. He's been doing it for years.

School next week. My final year. I'll be nineteen when I finish school, so will Gerard. We missed our exams, we missed our tests and assessments. We'll have to start from scratch.

I breathe out hastily, what's going to happen this year? We've all been through too much. Frank will bounce back, Gerard will be back to normal soon just because Frank will be and I'm not scarred like the others. It's Mikey I'm worried about. He used to be so innocent, but after everything....I'm not quite sure.

"Are you excited for a fresh new start?" mum asked me, smiling fondly.

"I....I'm not quite sure."

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