Forget Him

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Ray's POV

"Ray, darling, can you put Emileigh in her high chair," my mother called from the kitchen.

I nodded even though she couldn't see me. I sigh slightly, walking towards my younger sister. I pick her up and divert my path towards the dining room.

"Hey, Em, stop squirming," I mumble, putting her carefully into her hair chair so she doesn't fall out.

"Hey son," my father says as he passes me in the hallway.

"Yeah," I nod towards him and then I do a double take.

What's going on? Why is he home before six o'clock? He leaves his work at half five, and it's ten past five now. What the heck?

"Dad, why are you home early?" I ask, turning away from my sister and stepping towards my father.

"No reason," he mutters, but I see his hair is a bit more ruffled and his shirt isn't tucked in.

Okay, somethings going on here.

"Did you even go to work at all?" I question.

He whips around to face me and bends down to my level, my dad is freakishly tall, and loks me in the eye.

"Don't poke your nose in anyone's business," he says firmly before nodding and turning on his heel.

Was is just me, or was that a threat?

I blink and step back a bit. I swear to God that he just threatened me.

I shrug and bite my lip before running towards the kitchen, but I stop as I hear voice, angry voices. So I don't enter, I just lean on the door, pressing my ear to the door. I feel quite sneaky, but there's something going on. Since when is my dad so secretive? And why hasn't he been home on weekends lately? I bite my lip harder as I strain to hear the loud fustrated shouts that emerge from the kitchen, and I lean a little bit further so I can hear it better.

"How dare you come back into my house!" that's my mother.

What is she on about?

"It's my house too!" - Dad.

"Not anymore! You have the nerve to cheat on me with that slag and then come over to your wifes house to eat tea. Not anymore you fucking bastard!"- Mum.

My heart clenched and I feel weird. Dad cheated on my mum? What the heck?

"What do you expect me to do? Live on the street?"- Dad.

"I bet that slag has a place for you to stay, hmm?"- Mum.

"I have kids here, Cheryl!"- Dad.

You bet he does.

"Don't you think I know that? How are you going to explain this to poor Ray? His dearest friends just got out of hospital, he doesn't need a second drama to handle. So you can walk out right here and now, I'd hate for Emileigh to know who her real father is."- Mum.

How could they?

"So that's it, you're not going to tell my own daughter about me? Is that it?"- Dad.

I slump to the floor, my head resting on the door as I think this over.

"That's right. I don't want her to know her dad was a fucking cheater and asshole. Out, Now!"- Mum.

I can't tale this anymore, so I stand up and run out of earshot.

My heart race speeds up and I grab my coat. I need air, I really need oxygen now. I grab the door's handle and run out into the cool air, focusing on my way to Gerard's house.

To The End (Frerard, Rikey)Where stories live. Discover now